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Nail Fungal Treatment

Nail fungus, or onychomycosis, is a common condition that begins as a white or yellow spot under the tip of your fingernail or toenail. As the fungal infection progresses, it may cause discolouration, thickening, and crumbling of the nail. This condition can affect several nails, making it essential to seek effective treatment to preserve the health and appearance of your nails.

How does nail fungus treatment work?

Nail fungus treatment at Avané Clinic involves a thorough diagnosis to identify the type of fungus and the severity of the infection. Our dermatologists then recommend appropriate treatments, which may include topical creams, antifungal pills, laser treatment, or, in severe cases, surgical removal of the affected nail. The goal is to eliminate the fungus and prevent recurrence.

What to expect during nail fungus treatment?

During your consultation, our dermatologists will examine your nails and possibly take a sample for lab analysis. Treatment options will be discussed, including topical or oral antifungals, and the expected duration of treatment. In some cases, removal of the damaged nail or skin may be necessary. Follow-up appointments ensure the infection is fully treated and to monitor for recurrence.

What are the results and benefits of nail fungus treatment?

Effective nail fungus treatment results in the elimination of the fungal infection, restoring the normal appearance and health of the nail. Patients often experience relief from pain and discomfort associated with thickened, discoloured nails. Successful treatment also reduces the risk of the fungus spreading to other nails or skin areas.

Nail Fungal Treatment

What you need to know


  • Individuals with discoloured, thickened, or crumbling nails
  • Those experiencing pain or discomfort from nail fungus
  • Patients seeking to restore the appearance and health of their nails
  • People with recurring nail fungus infections


  • Comprehensive diagnosis and personalised treatment plans
  • Effective elimination of fungal infection
  • Restoration of healthy nail appearance
  • Prevention of recurrence and spread of the fungus


  • Topical Antifungal Creams: Applied directly to the affected nails
  • Antifungal Nail Lacquers: Specialized coatings to treat nail fungus
  • Oral Antifungal Medications: Prescription pills to combat severe infections
  • Surgical Removal: For cases where the nail is extensively damaged
  • Laser treatment


  • Length: Varies based on the severity of the infection
  • Back to Work: Immediate for most treatments
  • Back to Exercise: Immediate for most treatments
  • Possible Side Effects: You may experience mild irritation, redness, or in rare cases, allergic reactions

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