Varicose Veins Treatment in Nairobi

Have you looked at your body, especially the legs and noticed some superficial and bulging veins? They might appear blue or dark in colour and may or may not be painful. The sight of the larger-than-usual veins may trouble your mind and make you feel insecure about your health. These occurrences are a result of […]
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Have you looked at your body, especially the legs and noticed some superficial and bulging veins? They might appear blue or dark in colour and may or may not be painful. The sight of the larger-than-usual veins may trouble your mind and make you feel insecure about your health. These occurrences are a result of a condition called varicose veins. This is a common condition among people and usually has no major health hazards. It, however, makes one’s skin look odd and people prefer to have it treated. In case you are seeking treatment for varicose veins, Avané clinic is the best place for you.

What are varicose veins?

Varicose veins are also known as varicose or varicosities. It is a condition that is characterised by large, swollen and superficial veins, especially on the legs and feet. The veins may appear bulging, lumpy or twisted with a blue or dark-purple colour. They may appear on any part of the body but are common on the legs, feet and ankles. Varicose veins can be painful at times and a bit itchy, causing discomfort. This condition is non-communicable, meaning it cannot be spread from one person to another. It doesn’t spread fast to other body parts, and usually, it is limited to the legs and feet.

Varicose Veins Treatment in Nairobi

What causes varicose veins?

Varicose veins are caused by malfunctioning valves or weakened walls in the veins. Blood flows through the body in arteries, but flows back to the heart through veins. Veins have a one-way valve that prevents the backflow of blood. When these valves begin to fail, blood begins to collect in the veins instead of flowing forwards toward the heart. At other times, the walls of the veins become stretched and lose their elasticity, which also weakens the valves. This also causes elasticity of the valves and can allow ***** backflow of blood. This causes blood to accumulate in the veins. This causes the veins to swell or bulge on the skin. Blood in the veins is deoxygenated; hence the dark colour.

What causes vein weakening?

Weakening of the veins can occur due to several factors. Variations in progesterone hormone levels are one of these factors. Veins in the legs are receptors for progesterone hormone. As one age, there is a production of less progesterone, which makes the valves in the veins weaker. This is common especially in women during menopause. In addition, ageing also contributes to the weakening of veins. Ageing brings about a loss of elasticity in blood vessels, which weakens them. Excessive weight and tight or restrictive clothing increase pressure inside blood vessels, which in turn weakens them. Another cause is genetics. The genetic make of a person can influence the health of their blood vessels.

Where do varicose veins appear?

Varicose veins often develop on the lower half of our bodies. They are common on the legs, feet, ankles and calves. Moreover, they can occur in the pelvic region of women, especially those that have given birth. In males, they can also occur on the testicles. This requires urgent treatment since it can lead to infertility.

I’m I at risk of getting varicose veins?

Varicose veins can affect anyone, regardless of gender or age. However, there exist groups of people who are more likely to get varicose veins than others. There also exist risk factors that place one at a higher likelihood of getting the defect. These include:

Age– The ageing process causes veins to lose their elasticity and causes Atherosclerosis. This condition makes them harden, and stiffen and increases their thickness. This eventually affects the normal working of the veins leading to varicose veins.

Gender- Women are at a higher risk of acquiring varicose veins than males. This is because female hormones can allow the stretching of vein walls. Women also experience more drastic changes in their hormonal levels, which influences the weakening of veins. People who use birth control pills as contraceptives and women in menopause have higher hormonal variations. This increases their risk of getting varicose veins. Pregnant women have the highest risks among women due to hormonal changes and an increase in weight and pressure in the veins.

Lifestyle- The way of life of an individual can affect their chances of getting varicose veins. People who stand or sit for long hours have decreased blood circulation. Moreover, standing for long increases the pressure on the legs, which weakens the veins. Wearing tight and restrictive clothing such as pants and girdles also decreases blood flow and influences your risk of getting varicose veins.

Overall health– Certain health conditions can increase pressure in the veins. Severe constipation or tumours are such conditions. Tobacco use also places one at a higher risk of getting this condition. This is because the nicotine in tobacco causes constriction or narrowing of blood vessels. This limits the amount of blood flowing to the organs and results in stiffening of the veins.

Increase in weight– Excessive weight puts pressure on blood vessels, thus weakening them and placing one at risk of getting varicose veins.

Genetics– Having a close family member who has varicose veins also increases your chances of getting the condition. This is because the gene sequencing of an individual can be passed on from one person to their descendants.

What complications may be caused by varicose veins?

Varicose veins usually have little to no complications, safe for discomfort. In rare cases, they can however bring about minor challenges, such as:

Ulcers– One may experience the development of painful ulcers on the skin in areas close to the varicose veins. This is often seen on the ankles. The ulcer begins as a discoloured spot on the skin and grows larger and becomes painful. Visit our doctors for treatment should you notice a leg ulcer developing.

Blood clots- Veins found deep in the skin within the legs might enlarge, causing pain and swelling.

Bleeding- In some rare instances, the veins close to the skin may burst, causing minor bleeding. The bleeding might be minor, but this necessitates you to visit our doctors for medication

How are varicose veins diagnosed?

At Avané clinic, we have a qualified team of specialists, all learned and well-equipped to treat varicose veins. During the consultation, the medic will perform a physical examination of your legs and the visible veins. They may ask questions regarding symptoms of the condition. The doctors also enquire about your medical history, family history, work and your lifestyle which are important in diagnosis. Additionally, they may require an ultrasound to check on blood flow in your veins. Depending on the location of the varicose veins, a venogram is done to assess the veins further.  These tests help ensure that another disorder like a blood clot or a blockage isn’t causing the pain and swelling in your legs. He then makes a medical conclusion based on the findings and advises you on the most appropriate treatment.

How are varicose veins treated?

There are various treatment methods for the condition. These are:

Ligation and stripping– This method involves a surgical operation. It is done by making two incisions, one near the groin close to the target vein. The second incision is made at the bottom of the leg, either at the ankle or the knee. Ligation involves tying off the affected vein to stop blood from pooling. Stripping involves the removal of the affected vein to prevent varicose veins from reappearing. These procedures are safe for treatment and are done on an outpatient basis. They, therefore, do not need hospitalization.  

Elastic stockings– These are specially designed stockings that squeeze your legs to improve blood circulation. These stockings are tightest at the ankles and gradually loosen further up the leg. This improves blood flow upwards toward the heart. They also relieve pain, and reduce discomfort and swelling on the legs. These compressions aren’t suitable for everyone. Our doctors perform a doppler investigation test to check on your blood circulation. They will then decide if it’s a suitable method for you.

Sclerotherapy- involves the use of a chemical solution to fade out the affected veins. The doctors inject the chemical solution into the veins, using an ultrasound scan. The chemical causes the vein walls to stick together. This scars the veins and closes them and they eventually fade away. As the scarred vein fades, other stronger and healthier veins take up the role that the scarred vein previously took. This gradually but eventually restores normal circulation. Multiple veins can be treated in one sclerotherapy session.

Laser therapy– This is the most commonly used form of treatment at Avané clinic. It involves a minimally invasive procedure, called Endovenous Laser Ablation (EVLA). EVLA is a laser treatment method that uses laser technology to cauterize and close off a vein. Blood is then forced to reroute and find its way through other healthy veins nearby. The closed vein is then reabsorbed into the body. The procedure is performed by cutting an incision on the skin and inserting a radial fibre-optic guide into the vein. An anaesthetic solution is then pumped into the vein, to anaesthetize the procedure and compress the vein. The compression ensures that the laser does not overheat the neighbouring tissues, protecting them from damage by heat. The light guide is then removed from the vein.

Varicose Veins Treatment in Nairobi

How can I Prevent varicose veins?

Varicose veins are not only treatable but also preventable. One can prevent it by avoiding standing for long periods, maintaining healthy body weights and avoiding tobacco. Maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle and regular exercise also help avert the condition. Another precaution involves wearing well-fitting clothes and avoiding tight and restrictive dressings. The doctor advises you on homecare precautions you can take, such as elevation of legs to aid in blood circulation. Eating healthy diets such as food rich in calcium and vitamins B, C, E and K is also crucial. These nutrients help in strengthening blood vessels in your body. You might also consider using compressional stockings to aid in blood circulation.

A note from Avané clinic.

Varicose veins do not call for a lot of health concerns.  However, waking up every day and seeing some purple-coloured and dilated veins might not be the most comfortable experience. Avané clinic offers you the best solution for this. We have a highly qualified ad dedicated team of specialists equipped with the knowledge and tools to solve your problem. Through our varicose vein treatment, we help eradicate the defect and you achieve your healthy and normal look. In addition to this, we also offer other medical and aesthetical services at friendly prices. Visit us at the Yaya centre in Nairobi, Kenya or contact us to book an appointment.  

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