Human bodies are not only unique but are also considered sacred in some ways. Every one of us has wanted to have the best body in the group, at some point. Moreover, we also have our body goals or the ideal structure we’d love to have. Sometimes, we may go out of our way to attain this. Oftentimes, we feel the need to protect that which makes us who we are. That which makes us keep in touch with our masculinity or femineity. For ladies, one of the most important parts of their bodies is the vagina. Like any other body part, the vagina is also prone to complications, and some defects. These might need medical or non-medical attention to solve or treat. Avané clinic, Nairobi, offers consolation to those who might be having vaginal problems, through vaginal rejuvenation treatments.
The vagina is without a doubt one of the most important female parts. One of its functions is that the vagina is the passageway for babies during birth. As you age, the vaginal muscles lose their elasticity and hence, tend to stretch more and sometimes, they even become saggy. This can also result from other factors such as numerous childbirths, sexual activity or even skin conditions. This may make a woman feel less confident about their sexuality or their body. Some women have insecurities issues and tend to result to unorthodox means to solve this problem. Most of them end up buying products such as tightening creams and over-the-counter medication. Contrary to their expectations, these products often do more harm than good.
At Avané clinic, we understand the sensitivity of the issue, and the importance of women maintaining a symbol of their sexuality. Hence; ensure that we bring you safe, clinically tested and approved procedures, whose results are effective and promise better lives. Vaginal rejuvenation treatments are crucial and hence should be performed by well-trained and qualified medical personnel. At Avané clinic we have our team of medics, with years of experience and tons of knowledge on the procedures. They are committed to helping you attain good vaginal health.
Vaginal rejuvenation is a term used to describe various vaginal corrective procedures. As mentioned earlier, the vagina and the surrounding tissues can lose their strength and elasticity. This may result from ageing, genetics, childbirth or other physical and environmental factors. These lead to various problems involving the vagina. Many women seek vaginal rejuvenation services, with the aim of restoring their parts to their normal look, feel and function.
Why do people get vaginal rejuvenation?
There are several problems that arise with the female body, that may necessitate one to seek vaginal rejuvenation. These include:
- Vaginal looseness
- Lack of lubrication
- Incontinence (leaking urine)
- Vaginal dryness
- Decreased libido
- Painful sex
- Lack of sexual intimacy
- Low self-esteem
At Avané clinic, we offer both surgical a non-surgical methods for vaginal rejuvenation. Treatment affects the vulva (the outer part of the female genitals) and the vaginal canal (where penetration occurs during sex). Surgical methods involve making incisions and removing, reducing or tightening parts during the procedure. They are done under sedation or anaesthesia and are mostly performed by a gynaecologist or a plastic surgeon. On the other hand, non-surgical methods involve non-invasive methods, that do not involve needles, cuts or any form of surgery. They involve treating the upper layers of the vaginal tissues via heat, laser or other techniques, and influencing the healing or tightening of the underlying tissues.

Surgical Procedures for vaginal rejuvenation
Labiaplasty– This procedure involves reshaping the labia. The labia are the vaginal lips. Labiaplasty is usually done to reduce the size of the labia minora (inner skin folds that surround your urethra and vagina). Excess skin can get twisted and pinched, causing discomfort during exercise, physical activities and intercourse. Additionally, it can also be done to increase the size of the labia minora. This is done by injecting fillers or fat into it to enlarge it. Labiaplasty is also done for cosmetic reasons and as part of gender-affirming surgery

Vaginoplasty– Vaginoplasty is a procedure to construct or repair a vagina. It is used to treat various medical issues, including vaginal injury due to childbirth and pelvic floor disease complications. Vaginoplasty tightens or repairs the vagina muscles. It’s also used for creating a transgender vagina, which helps individuals achieve their preferred gender identity.
Clitoral hood reduction- It is used to remove or reduce the extra tissues from the skin folds that cover the clitoris. These tissues are called the clitoral hood. The clitoris is extremely sensitive, and the clitoral hood helps reduce this sensitivity. Some people have large clitoral hoods that are prone to irritation. These may also affect them during sex. Others, desire more clitoral sensitivity and might want parts of the tissues removed to achieve this.
Vulvoplasty- This is a gender-affirming surgery for transgender and nonbinary individuals who are designated male at birth. During surgery, tissues from the penis, testes, scrotum and urethra are used to create a vulva. Having this surgery can help transgender and nonbinary people whose genitals feel out of alignment with their gender identity. The procedure creates the vulva parts, such as the mons, clitoris, and inner and outer labia. It helps trans-genders or nonbinary change their genitals to be more appealing to them or conform to their gender identity.
Non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation.
CO2 Laser treatment– This technique uses the CO2 laser machine. The laser heats the upper layers of the tissue in your vagina. This stimulates the tissue in the lower layers to make more collagen, which makes the skin firmer and tighter. It is used for the treatment of the vagina, cervix and perineum. Moreover, it is effective in treating vaginal atrophy, laxity, dryness and incontinence. CO2 laser vaginal rejuvenation also helps to restore the correct pH balance within the vagina by eliminating unhealthy bacteria and infectors. All these effects can also improve dyspareunia (painful sex), hence; giving improvements to your sex life also.
RF (radio Frequency) treatment- It uses electromagnetic waves. These waves heat the vaginal tissues, thus, encouraging increased blood flow and stimulating collagen production. This improves your vaginal laxity, plumps up and lifts your labia, and can tighten the vaginal canal.
Vaginal rejuvenation treatments are done for medical purposes such as correcting defects and enhancing better health. However, they can also be done as cosmetic procedures. They require skill and precision, due to the sensitive nature of the parts. Before any procedure is done, you should visit our doctors at Avané clinic for consultation. During the consultation, the specialist will examine your genitals to assess the part to be treated. Moreover, they will enquire about your medical history and any medications you might be taking or any allergies. They will also inform you of the procedures available and makes sure you understand the risks involved. In addition to this, they will answer your queries and provide in-depth details about hr procedures. Moreover, they will help you select the most opportune treatment procedure for you.
How are surgical procedures done?
The method used is dependent on the type of surgery you are having. They are all done under anaesthesia, and the doctor may also choose to sedate you. The surgeon makes an incision on the vulva, the surrounding parts or in the vagina. The location of the incision also depends on the type of surgery being performed. The specialist will cut off, reduce, tighten or increase the tissues, based on the type of surgery. After the operation, they close the cuts with dissolvable stitches, in a neat way to avoid scarring. The procedure can take between 1 to 2 hours, depending on the method used and the level of the task being performed. Your surgeon will give you post-operative instructions, including a list of restricted activities (like sex). You’ll be allowed to use ice packs and pain relievers for discomfort.
How are non-surgical procedures done?
Laser or RF vaginal rejuvenation involves the use of a probe or wand, that has a light-like top and that heats the tissues. The doctor inserts the probe into your vagina or guides it across your external skin around the genitals. To distribute the heat in the area, the medic rotates or strokes the wand on the skin. This treatment last between 5 to 30 minutes, depending on the type and intensity of the laser or RF waves being used. It is painless and requires no anaesthesia. In instances where you feel discomfort, inform your doctor. They may result in using topical anaesthesia to ease the discomfort. After the procedure, the doctor will give you care and precautionary measures to observe, to complement the treatment. These include abstaining from sex, and not using tampons for about five days.
Risks and side effects.
Vaginal rejuvenation may involve slight and minor risks and side effects, especially surgical procedures. These effects include pain and bleeding after the operations. It can also cause infections in areas where the incisions were made as well as scarring. Seeking vaginal rejuvenation can also cause painful sex before the wounds heal completely
Benefits of vaginal rejuvenation.
It helps improve the tightness of your vagina, as well as increase its lubrication and moisturization. In addition to this, it also helps prevent conditions such as incontinence, which might affect your self-esteem and social life. These procedures help increase your sexual sensitivity and sensation, which means you enjoy your sexual life more. Additionally, they help strengthen the weak vaginal and pelvic muscles, which are important especially if you plan to have a baby. Vaginal rejuvenation helps to improve the nature of your vagina and prevents painful intercourse. Furthermore, it enhances the appearance of your vulva and makes it look more appealing.
Takeaway note.
The female genitalia varies from one person to another. None is better than the other; hence, no one should make you feel less important or special if yours are different. Everyone is unique in their way, and it’s this difference that makes us who we are. Do not feel pressured into having a vaginal rejuvenation. However, should you feel that due to medical or personal reasons, you need to have a vaginal rejuvenation, then look no further than Avané clinic. We are located at the Yaya centre, in Nairobi Kenya. Visit us here today, consult with our doctors and begin the journey to transform your sexuality. You could also contact us to book an appointment or to make an enquiry about our services.