One of the most common desires that we as human beings have is the need to be ever beautiful. Everyone craves having a forever-young mien, and a look that is as amazing as the day they were born. We also crave tight, healthy and glowing skin to complement our looks. However, as time goes by, we age indifferently and our skin starts exhibiting signs of our ageing process. We experience loose skin and sagginess on various parts such as the face, neck and hands. This may make us feel old, out of place and unappreciative of our looks. The good news however is that as much as ageing is irreversible, the signs of ageing are manageable. Through treatment methods such as thread lifts, Avané clinic brings a remedy for loose and saggy skin near you.
What is thread lift treatment?
A thread lift is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure. It uses temporary sutures or stitches to produce a subtle but noticeable lift in the skin. Thread lifts are also called barbed suture lifts. Skin changes are part of getting older. Your skin loses its strength and elasticity over time. This leads to sagging and wrinkles. Your cartilage also gets weaker and doesn’t hold the skin around it up as well. You may notice drooping and looser skin on your face as the skin and cartilage in your face change. Traditionally, the only solution to this was a surgical procedure or removal of the saggy skin to rehabilitate the skin. With the advancement in medicine and research, other methods came up as alternative correction methods. These include facelifts and now we have thread lifts.

How do thread lifts work?
Surgical correction for loose skin would involve the removal of the extra skin. However, in thread lifting, no removal is needed. The cosmetic surgeon suspends the skin by temporarily stitching up some portions of it, using tiny organic threads. The procedure has two effects on the skin. One of these is that it pulls the skin slightly back, thus lifting and tightening it. The threads are textured filaments that grab the underside of your skin to hold it in a new position. This gives the skin a lifted appearance, drawing back the sagginess. The other effect is the simulation of the body’s natural healing process. After the threads are placed, the body treats them like an injury, although no injury has occurred. The body responds by producing more collagen in the area with the threads.
Collagen is the protein in your skin that makes it strong, supple and plump. It enhances growth factors, which aid in enhancing skin conditions. Collagen also helps in the healing of wounds in the body. As we grow older, our bodies produce lower volumes of collagen fibres. This may result in a significant reduction in body volume as more years go by. This leads to wrinkles and weakening of the skin, causing sagging since the skin can’t support the underlying tissues. Gravity pulls down the skin, and due to a reduction in its strength, it stretches and droops. Thread lifts are used to treat defects that arise as a result of collagen loss. These include drooping eyelids, jowls, loose facial skin, premature sagging of neck skin and many more.
Threads lifts were used since the 1990s. However, as more innovations in the materials that make the threads improved, so did the popularity of the procedure. It is a safe procedure and has been approved by the FDA for use in cosmetic treatments. Thread lifts are used as cheaper, friendlier and more convenient alternatives to face lifts. If you feel the need to get yourself a thread lift, you need not worry. Avané clinic has a well-trained and highly experienced team of medical experts, led by Dr Pancholi. Dr Pancholi is one of the best dermatologists in the country and doubles up as our lead consultant. He is assisted by a team of medical experts, all up to the task presented to them. They are a true definition of professionals, whose only intention is to give you world-class treatment.
At Avané clinic, we are heavy on the importance of processes. This is to safeguard our professionalism and help you get the best out of us. We start the treatment with a consultation with Dr Pancholi or other specialists. They enquire about your medical history and ask questions to know about your expectations and objectives from the procedure. They also offer in-depth advice and recommendations about the treatment. They are highly experienced in the subject and have tons of knowledge of the subject matter. You are thus safe in their hands and their sessions are truly insightful. Once you have settled on the procedure, the doctors will then update you on what is required. They will then book you in for the procedure.
What is the treatment procedure?
Thread lifting is done as an outpatient treatment, performed at the doctor’s office. We recommend that the clients be awake during the procedure, as they are also part of the treatment. They could talk to the doctor, and inform them of the adjustments to make. The procedure may be slightly different based on the area of treatment, and the client or specialists’ preference. The treatment technique is however the same. It starts with the doctor numbing your skin on the area to be treated using anaesthesia. Thin needles known as cannulas are used to guide the thread into place. The doctor will decide on the number of threads to use based on the size of the area under treatment. Once the threads are correctly in place, the doctor will then retract the cannulas. You may feel little pressure or irritation but it’s temporary. The process takes 45-60 minutes, and the clients are free to resume normal activities.
After the procedure, the doctor will share precautionary measures to observe and increase the effectiveness of the procedure. These include avoiding applying pressure on the treated area and not sleeping on your side for a couple of weeks. One is also required to eat healthy foods, and avoid strenuous activities and overexposure to sunlight. It takes about 1-2 months for the full effect of the facelift to be noticed. The initial tightening from the threads will help your skin look younger. The improvements will continue as your skin makes more collagen. The threads will dissolve under your skin after about 6 months. The treatment is however not permanent but it is durable. The effects can last up to 3-4 years. Some people have longer effects thanks to the extra collagen that their skin produces after the lift.
Are there any risks and side effects?
Thread lifts have miner and temporary side effects associated with them. These include swelling, redness, bruising, scarring, irritation, stiffness in treated areas, possible infections and changes in skin texture. There is a 15%-20% likelihood of complications happening after a thread lift. These altercations include allergic reactions to components of the threads and dimpling or pulling where threads are inserted. Furthermore, bleeding due to pressure accumulation behind the skin and bulging due to the movement of threads are possible complications. We recommend that you contact us in case you notice a discharge from the treated site, swelling for more than 48 hours, fever or a persistent headache. To ensure complete safety, we advise people to seek professional services when getting facelifts. Such are the kind of professionals we have at Avané clinic.
What are the benefits?
Thread lifts have zero downtime and minimal recovery time; hence one can go back to their normal business immediately. They are non-invasive and do not require sedation. Thread lifts have low risks and minimal side effects or complications. They do not cause scarring or infections, which are rampant in surgical procedures. They are also more affordable, simpler and safer. Thread lift stimulates collagen formation, which helps make the skin look younger and more hydrated. They are durable and can last for up to 4 years. The threads are organic; hence they are absorbed into the body, reducing the chances of the body rebelling against them. The procedure is common for people in their late 30s to 50s. It is however available for everyone despite age and gender.
Before and After.

Our take as Avane clinic.
Threads lifts are effective skin rehabilitation modes for people with ageing skins. They present the light at the end of the tunnel for individuals who wish for younger skin, but with a lower price and without going under the scalpel. Avané clinic is the best place in Kenya to facilitate this treatment. We are located at the Yaya Centre in Nairobi, Kenya. We offer a variety of cosmetic and aesthetical services including thread lifts. Our medical personnel is the best of the best and we can only offer the best quality services. Visit us today or contact us to enquire about us, or to book your appointment. Don’t let that ageing skin ruin your thrill. Visit Avané clinic today and let us lift that trouble off your back through thread lift treatment.