When we looked at our bodies, our skin complexion is the first thing we notice. How dark, pale, tan, white or red our skin appears usually can tell a lot of things about us. We are all beautiful in our ways and our skins, and no one should make us feel otherwise. However, as human beings, we are susceptible to a craving that we think is perfect. We desire what we have conjured as beneficial for whatever course we have. Skin lightening has gained popularity in recent years, with more and more people embracing the change. People with dark and tan skin tons desire a lighter and browner appearance, which is considered more appealing. If you live in Nairobi and need to have safe and affordable skin lightening, Avané clinic has got you covered.
Skin lightening is often mistakenly used in place of skin whitening. The idea that the two words mean the same is a misconception and it’s misleading. Skin whitening is the use of chemical products to change the concentration of melanin in the skin. This is usually driven by social prejudice and misinformation. Most of the chemicals used in whitening are harmful as they contain poisonous products. Skin lightening, on the other hand, is a treatment therapy that aims at reducing the concentration of melanin on the skin. Since the accumulation of melanin causes dark spots and uneven skin tone, a treatment to reduce it can give you a lighter complexion than before. Skin lightening is safe and done using a controlled number of lightening agents under the care of well-endowed medical personnel. This is especially true for Avané clinic.
Our skin complexion is determined by the concentration of melanin on our skin. Melanin is a chemical product produced in our bodies in the melanocyte cells. Skin colour is directly proportional to the melanin concentration at the part. In some cases, some areas may have more melanin levels than others. This makes dark spots on the skin, which are darker than the rest of the skin. Melanin concentration is largely influenced by the genetic make-up of a person. genetic genes are responsible for how our skin appears. It may also be influenced by other factors such as sunlight exposure, sickness, environmental factors, and skin damage. Scaring and chemical exposure. Hormones also cause alterations in melanin levels.
Many people want to have fair and flawless skin. Some do it for pleasure, others as a reaction to pressure being upon them by peers of society. Others do it for medical reasons while others do it to fit into a profile that they have set for themselves. Some of our clients seek skin lightening as they suffer from melasma. Others have sun-related pigmentation which leaves them with sun spots and discolouration. Other patients have scars, dark marks and hyperpigmentation from acne that was poorly treated. For people who have a lot of outdoor activity, overexposure to sunlight increases the concentration of melanin on their skins. This may lead to increased darkening of complexion. Whatever your reason is, our job at Avané clinic is to ensure that facilitate a safe, healthy and effective transition for you.

There is a myriad of treatment options available for skin lightening. These include surgery, dermabrasions, chemical peels, bleaching, and laser treatment among others. However, the most commonly available yet most controversial is the use of skin-lightening agents/products. There is a whole market full of skin-lightening products out there for people to choose from. In most cases, these products are purported to as safe for use while in fact, they have deleterious effects. Most skin whitening products contain mercury as an ingredient. Mercury is a poisonous product, that causes poisoning and at times, liver and kidney damage. A pregnant mother who uses such products has a chance of passing the mercury to her child. This places the unborn infant at risk of mercury poisoning, which is not only dangerous to their well-being but may also kill them.
Some other skin-lightening products may not contain mercury but have other toxic components. Theo includes steroid or hydroquinone-based creams. They are not completely safe as they have adverse side effects. These are liver damage, hyperpigmentation, skin sensitivity, skin lightening and infections. Some of these products contain carcinogenic products which may lead to skin cancer, and possibly death. This shows just how important the choice of the right procedure is in skin lightening. At Avané clinic, our high regard for our client’s well-being sets our code. We, therefore, make sure that we use products and techniques that are safe and do not jeopardize their health. We use glutathione injections for skin lightening procedures. Glutathione injections contain glutathione, which is non-poisonous, not carcinogenic and is deemed safe for use.
Glutathione is a product that exists naturally in our bodies and is produced in the liver. It is also present in plants such as garlic, onions, avocadoes and parsley. In the body, it is used as a natural antioxidant, used for building and repairing body tissues. It also neutralizes radicles, boosts the body’s immunity and generally delays ageing, which gives the body the youthful look. Glutathione levels decrease over years, as it is used at a higher rate than it is produced. Glutathione injections are hence given to increase levels in the body. Glutathione can also be administered in pills. Most doctors use injections since the components are deposited into the bloodstream and get to work immediately. Administering it through the intravenous method also means it will offer longer-lasting results.
Glutathione injections are made up of glycine, cysteine and glutamic acids, which are all amino acids in the body. The products work by suppressing the enzyme tyrosinase, which is a necessity for melanin formation in the melanocyte cells. It also clears the body’s toxins and frees radicles which may be responsible for hyperpigmentation, age spots or even a darker complexion in some areas. These details are availed to our clients during a prerequisite consultation with our lead doctor, Dr Pancholi, or our team of specialists. They take in details about your medical history and discuss your expectations and objective in conducting the procedure. They also conduct a physical examination of your skin, and may even take photographs for comparison later on. When the client agrees to the procedure, they give their consent, paving way for the next step.
During the procedure, the injections are given on an outpatient basis. Dr Pancholi recommends dosages of between 200 mg/ml – 300mg/ml of pure glutathione. A single injection is given on the visit. One is free to return to normal routines since the injection has no downtime. For optimum effectiveness, the doctor recommends about 1 to 3 injections per week for about 4 weeks. Afterwards, he will discuss the result and offer a way forward on the frequency and fruitfulness of the treatment. The results are usually seen around 3 weeks after the initial treatment. The general effectiveness is however deterministic on how disciplined one is at attending the treatment. Consistent individuals have better and more lasting effects.
Side effects.
Glutathione compounds may have minor and temporary effects. These include nausea, bruising, mild headaches, numbness, skin rashes and chest pains. In some cases, they may cause bleeding, especially for people with poor blood clotting body mechanisms. They may also cause pain in the breast for ladies. The use of high levels of glutathione may lead to blood poisoning, and kidney failure and affect the liver. This is essentially why the choice of the service provider is also important. There are quacks with malicious intent, who masquerade as professionals and use people’s peril to their benefit. Our specialists at Avané clinic are highly experienced and will offer the best quality services.
Glutathione injections are practically the safest option available for skin lightening. It gives one clearer, youthfully and brighter skin. It also has extra advantages such as detoxifying the body, since the product is an antioxidant. Moreover, it clears the free radicles in the body. It also increases one’s energy in the body, making you active and alert as well as increasing the body’s stamina. It also helps in reducing cell damage by liver disease, that may be caused by hepatitis or alcohol abuse. Furthermore, it helps reduce the effects of Parkinson’s disease and inflammatory diseases such as colitis. It is also cheaply offered and with a guarantee for success.
Before and After.

A Note from Avané clinic.
At Avané clinic, we believe that everyone is beautiful and deserves to feel beautiful in the way they define themselves. We make it our duty to ensure that we do right by you, by offering you the skin complexion you desire through skin lightening therapy. We have tons of other medical, aesthetical and cosmetics services, offered at affordable costs. We are located at the Yaya Centre in Nairobi Kenya. Please visit us or contact us to book an appointment for a consultation. Avané clinic is the place where all your insecurities melt away and, in its place, a glowing confidence blooms.