Rhinoplasty Treatment in Nairobi is one of the most common plastic surgery procedures done all over the world. It is also called a nose job. The world of medicine has seen some notable advancements, with more and more medications and solutions to medical problems being discovered. Medical research has unearthed some life-saving procedures, and drugs which are important in promoting healthy lives. Surgical procedures have also advanced, from the traditional outlook. These days, we have cosmetic surgery done for aesthetic and medical reasons. Some cosmetic surgical procedures have gained popularity in modern medicine. These procedures help people redefine their appearance. They have helped patients improve the way society views physical appearance and redefine the whole idea of beauty with purpose. One such procedure is rhinoplasty, which helps in modifying nasal features. This is a common procedure offered at Avané clinic in Nairobi.
The purpose of having a nose job is to change the shape or size of the nose. Rhinoplasty is performed to enhance the appearance of the nose or to improve breathing. It is also done to correct abnormalities caused by trauma or a birth defect. This procedure can change your nose’s overall size, tip, bridge and nostrils. The upper part of the nose is made up of bone structure, while the lower portion comprises of cartilage. These parts are then covered by a layer of skin. Rhinoplasty changes the bone, cartilage or skin, or even the three of them. It is done by a plastic surgeon through a surgical operation.

One should be keen on the proficiency and competency of their surgeon. This is because the operation is a complex one, and is performed on a critical part of the body. When done carelessly, it may cause health hazards. It may even lead to deformations and permanent damage to nasal or facial features. At Avané clinic, we assure you of quality treatment and effective operation. We have a well-endowed team of specialists who are learned and experienced in plastic surgery. This team is led by Dr Pancholi, who is one of the best plastic surgeons in the region. At Avané clinic, you can rest assured that your views will matter, and you will get exactly what you need. We work overboard to ensure the safety of our clients and giving you the best look is our priority.
Preparing for rhinoplasty.
Before having a rhinoplasty operation, you shall have to consult with our specialists at Avané clinic. This will help determine your treatment. The doctor will ask a question about your medical history. These include questions about prior surgeries, medications, history of nose obstructions and whether you have a bleeding disorder such as haemophilia. The surgeon also conducts a physical examination of the facial features, paying keen observance of the nasal parts. They will also require medical tests such as blood tests to complement their findings. The physical examination helps the surgeon determine the thickness of your skin, and the strength of the cartilage. It also helps the medical team determine the impact of rhinoplasty on your breathing.
The consultation also involves in-depth discussions between you and the doctor. The surgeon enquires about your motivation and objectives for the operation, as well as your expectations. He also discusses details about the procedure with you. He informs you on what this treatment can help you achieve and what it cannot. The specialist discusses the requirements and the risk factors you might be taking by having the procedure. In addition, you’ll also discuss the expected results and what the outcome of the procedure might be. The doctor will then determine whether you are fit for the procedure or not. The specialist takes photographs of your face, in particular, the nose at different angles. These will be key in tracking progress after the procedure.
During the consultation, the doctor will give you precautions you’ll need to observe to ensure the treatment is successful and efficient. Avoid using medication such as aspirin or ibuprofen for at least two weeks before and after the surgery. This is because these medications increase bleeding and slow down healing. The doctor will prescribe some medications, and these will be the only ones you will require to use. Using herbal medication is also discouraged since they counter supplements. Moreover, patients are advised against smoking since it slows down healing. This is because smoking cause blood thinning and reduces the circulation of blood. It may also lead to infections after surgery. We also recommend that you come with someone to drive you back home since driving isn’t allowed after surgery.
The treatment procedure.
Rhinoplasty is done in a series of steps. These are:
1. Anaesthesia– Rhinoplasty requires anaesthesia to prevent pain. Based on the complexity of the operation, the surgeon may use either local anaesthesia with sedation, or general anaesthesia. Local anaesthesia is used in outpatient settings. The surgeon injects a pain-numbing drug into the nasal tissue and sedates you with medication through the vein. General anaesthesia is used for complex operations. You can inhale the drug or have it injected through tubes placed in your veins. General anaesthesia affects the whole body and you will be unconscious. It requires the use of a breathing tube to aid in breathing.
2. Incision– The surgeon may perform rhinoplasty using an open or closed procedure. In open rhinoplasty, a surgeon cuts across the columella, which is the narrow strip of tissue that separates the nostrils. The surgeon can use the open procedure for people requiring extensive reconstruction because it allows better access and more visibility of the nasal structures. If a person needs minor adjustments to their nasal structures, a surgeon may perform closed rhinoplasty. An advantage of the closed rhinoplasty procedure is that it has no visible scarring. This is because the surgeon cuts across the inside of the nose to perform the surgery.
3. Reshaping the nose – The surgeon then modifies the nose depending on the client’s requirements. This is done based on how much needs to be added to or to be removed from the nasal structure. He can adjust the tip, length, width or ridge of the nose. He can also restore symmetry to the nose and correct a deviated septum. To achieve this, the surgeon may need to obtain cartilage from other body parts. The specialist can also use cartilage grafts. Cartilage may be taken from the septum for small adjustments, or the rib where large adjustments need to be made.
4. Closing the incisions- After all the necessary adjustments have been made, the surgeon places the nose skin and tissue back. He or she then stitches the incisions on your nose. This is done using sutures or stitches. The specialist then places a plastic or metal splint in the nose to aid in the healing process.
After the surgery.
After the surgery, you will be placed in our wards for observation. You will be required to rest in bed with your head raised higher than your chest. The nose may also be congested due to swelling or as a result of the splints placed inside the nose. The surgeon will discharge you the same day or require you to spend a night in the clinic for observation. The internal dressings are required to be left in place for about 1 week. Interfering with them might interfere with the healing process, and they might cause bleeding or infection. The splints will also remain intact for about 1 week to provide support for the nose.
The surgeon also schedules you for regular check-ups for weeks after the treatment. These are meant to keep track progress of healing and changing of dressings. Do not try to do this on your own, to avoid complications. To enhance healing, the surgeon will give you some precautions, such as avoiding strenuous activities and not blowing the nose. Eating high-fibre foods such as fruits and vegetables, brushing teeth gently and not bending for long also help in healing. In addition, using baths instead of showers while you still have bandages and avoiding extreme facial expressions also help in healing.

Risk of rhinoplasty.
Just like any other surgical procedure, rhinoplasty has its risks. These include bleeding, soreness, bruising, infections and allergic reactions to anaesthesia. Numbness and swelling on the treated areas around the nose and scarring from the incisions are also risks. The operation may also lead to nerve damage if nerves were interfered with. One may experience light nosebleeds for a few days as well as a blocked nose for about a week. The nose blockage may require one to breathe through the mouth to avoid increased pressure on the nose. Rhinoplasty also places one at risk of developing heavy nosebleeds, or damage to the cartilage, when the operation fails. Failure of the operation may also cause an altered sense of breath and permanent breathing difficulty.
Benefits of rhinoplasty.
Having a nose job helps increase or decrease the size of the nose, as well as give it a new shape. This helps in redefining the balance and harmony between the nose and other facial features. It also helps reduce the nasal tip and nose bridge. The procedure can help correct defects on the nose caused by birth defects, accidents, injury or skin trauma. It also helps to improve breathing and avoid a shortage of breath. Moreover, nose jobs can help improve facial appearance increasing the beauty of your face.

A note from Avané clinic.
Your facial appearance matters a lot, especially since it influences how you perceive yourself and how others perceive you. A slight change on your nose can have a significant influence on how you look. Do not let the shape or size of your nose be the one thing pulling you down. Visit Avané clinic today, consult with our team of specialists and begin the journey to redefine your looks via rhinoplasty. Furthermore, we have other amazing services for medical and cosmetic treatments. We are located at the Yaya centre in Nairobi, Kenya. Feel free to walk into our clinic and expect the best quality services. You could also contact us to book an appointment with our specialists. Avané clinic has just the solution to your problems.