Myths about Skin you probably believe!

“I need to Tan in the sun to get Vitamin D” There are safer ways to get vitamin D than lying in the sun, as it can be obtained from a variety of foods. One of the biggest myths about skin is that sun exposure is the best way to boost vitamin D levels. In […]
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“I need to Tan in the sun to get Vitamin D”

There are safer ways to get vitamin D than lying in the sun, as it can be obtained from a variety of foods. One of the biggest myths about skin is that sun exposure is the best way to boost vitamin D levels. In reality, ultraviolet light is a carcinogen, much like cigarette smoke. Think of it this way: if someone told you that you could get vitamin D from smoking a cigarette, would you start smoking? Instead of risking harmful mutations in your skin cells, it’s best to rely on safer sources for vitamin D.

Instead, enjoy a sunny day by seeking shade, wearing protective clothing, and applying sunscreen‎. Ask your doctor about whether a vitamin D supplement is even necessary.

“Never, ever go to bed with your makeup on”

One of the common myths about skin is that not removing makeup before bed will always cause severe damage. While cleansing your skin is important, the reality is that occasionally forgetting to take off makeup may not be as harmful as many believe. However, regular cleansing helps maintain healthy skin and prevents clogged pores over time.

Think about it this way: What’s the difference between wearing the makeup on your skin for the eight hours that you’re sleeping as opposed to the 12 hours that you wear it during the day? There’s really not much of a difference, particularly if you sleep on your back. It is possible to get eye irritation from your pillow rubbing makeup into your eye but that’s very uncommon.”

Adapted from The Readers Digest

By Dr. Pranav Pancholi of Avane Dermatology clinic, A qualified Skin dermatologist practicing as a cosmetic dermato-surgeon at Avane Clinic, located at Yaya.

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