Myths about Acne

Acne is a type of inflammatory skin condition, that causes spots and pimples to appear on the skin. They are common on the face, neck, back, shoulders and chest. Acne can appear in the form of reddish, brownish or dark pimples or small hollows in the skin. Acne is one of the most treated skin […]
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Acne is a type of inflammatory skin condition, that causes spots and pimples to appear on the skin. They are common on the face, neck, back, shoulders and chest. Acne can appear in the form of reddish, brownish or dark pimples or small hollows in the skin. Acne is one of the most treated skin conditions in dermatology clinics and hospitals across the world. It is estimated that 80% of the population will have acne at some point in life. It is only natural that acne will be one of the most common talking points in conversations, shows, and other forms of media. As a modern-day phenomenon, many myths and miscomputations are making the rounds about acne, some of which are outrageous. Knowing what is said or believed about acne can be a good starting point in addressing and treating it. Here are some of the most common myths about acne.

acne myths

Acne affects only teenagers.

A common claim is that acne affects only people in their teenage years. The fact is that even though it most frequently appears in adolescents, it can affect anyone, at any age. It affects both males and females alike. Acne mostly appears in people in their 20s and 30s. They may be of a different type of appearance.

Acne is caused by dirt.

It is often believed that acne is caused by dirt. On the contrary, acne cannot be traced back to dirt or poor hygiene. Acne is caused by genetics, environmental conditions, poor health, hormonal imbalance or some chemical products. Having acne should not make you question your hygiene. Oftentimes, people with acne tend to overdo the cleaning and scrubbing of their skin, especially in areas with acne. On the contrary, this flares it up, instead of eliminating the acne.

Eating chocolate and greasy foods causes acne.

Some people, especially parents were fond of telling their kids to avoid eating chocolate and greasy foods such as pizza and cheeseburgers. They claimed that these foods would cause acne. However, there is no connection between these foods and acne. The claim remains to be just but a myth, and a misinformed threat to children to help them check on their diet.

Acne is a cosmetic problem.

Most people believe that the only problem acne patients face is their looks. However, acne is more than just a cosmetic problem. Most people with acne report negative comments and feedback from peers, colleagues and members of society. Furthermore, research showed that there are more cases of depression among acne patients as compared to people without acne. People with acne tend to have higher depression and anxiety rates, as well as lower self-esteem as compared to people without acne. It is advisable that other people be more considerate of them, and treat them kindly and with affection.

Scrubbing and thorough washing help reduce acne.

Most people believe that the more you wash, the more the chances of eliminating acne. Washing frequently may help remove dirt and bacteria from your skin, but it doesn’t help remove acne. Moreover, the more scrubbing on the skin, the more the acne flares on the skin. You might be trying to solve a problem, but on the contrary, you end up alienating the flare. Dermatologists recommend that you clean your face twice a day with clean water and mild soap. Use a circular motion while rubbing and be gentle about it.

The popping of pimples will help them go away.

Popping and breaking acne may seem like a nice idea at first. This is because it makes them less noticeable at first, but this is only temporary. The popping of pimples will make them worse. Through the squeezing of the pits and pimples, you will be pushing bacteria and dirt into the skin. This tends to cause more inflammation such as redness and swelling.

acne myths

Tanning clears up the skin.

Tanning helps to temporarily mask acne and make them unnoticeable. However, tanning may make the acne worse instead of healing it. This is because the radiation may cause premature ageing and possible skin cancer. Moreover, the sun’s ray dries up the skin, causing future irritation. This causes acne flare and increases the possibility of future breakouts. While some light radiation therapies are used for acne management, it is not advisable to have prolonged and frequent exposure to sun or ultraviolet radiation. These cause acne flare and increase the likelihood of future breakouts.

Acne goes away on its own.

This is probably the most common myth about acne. Most people believe that acne can go away on its own, without seeking medical attention. On the contrary, you should visit your dermatologist to seek medical help. The type of products you use will also determine how fast the acne is treated. This is especially true for patients with chronic acne. The condition lies deep within the skin, and a specialised medication plan is required. For the best dermatologists, you should visit our clinic at the Avané clinic for the best treatment and acne management.

Make up affects the skin.

Just like any cosmetic product, the type of makeup products you use can have a positive or negative impact on your skin’s health. Many people believe that acne patients should not use make up products, with the claim that it increases the acne flare. The best make up products should be non-comedogenic. These include products that contain salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide, which help fight acne.

Toothpaste can clear acne.

At one point in my early years, I remember being told to apply toothpaste on my skin to reduce pimples on my skin. And like the naïve teen I was, I decided to try the so-called ‘hack’. Needless to say, I ended up with the worst pimple flare of my life. Turns out that toothpaste and other household products are not safe for use on the skin. Toothpaste contains fluoride and other chemical components that worsen acne. For spot treatment, products with salicylic acid are more beneficial and help in improving skin health. It is however more important you consult your dermatologist for a specialised treatment plan.

Take away.

For quality treatment of acne, one should understand the nature of the condition, what people say about it, and the view society has on the condition. As much as medical help is necessary, most patients also need psychological help as well as access to the right information. Do not believe in the myth and misinformation roaming around, but rather it is important to get all the facts straight. Moreover, do not indulge in self-diagnosis, but rather visit a trusted and competent dermatologist to get the treatment you need. For residents of Nairobi and its environments, Avané clinic is the best clinic for acne treatment, we are located at the Yaya centre, in Nairobi Kenya. Pay us a visit today for consultation or treatment. You can also contact us for enquiries or to book an appointment with our dermatologists.

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