Skin conditions are some of the most common human diseases, and are ranked as fourth of the most frequent human diseases. Research shows that more 2.3 billion people are diagnosed with skin diseases, accounting for more than a third of the world’s population. One of the most common skin conditions is vitiligo, which affects an estimated 1% of the world’s population. Skin conditions require a comprehensive treatment plan, and Avané clinic Nairobi, offers an extensive and productive treatment. We bring laser vitiligo treatment near you, at an affordable cost and with a promise of a life changing experience.
Vitiligo is an autoimmune condition that is associated with loss of body pigmentation and makes the skin lose its colour. It leads to formation of smooth white areas on the skin called macules (if they are less than 5mm) or patches (if they’re larger than 5mm). Where hair grows on areas affected by the condition, the hair also turns white. The condition occurs when melanocytes are attacked by the body’s immune system. Melanocytes are the skins cells tasked with production of melanin, which is the chemical substances that give the skin its colour. The more the melanin concentration in the skin, the darker the skin’s complexion, and vice versa.
Vitiligo starts as small white patches on the hands, forearms, face and feet and gradually spreads over other parts of the body. In some cases, it spreads to the body’s mucous membranes such as on the mouth, nose, rectal column and genital areas. It may also affect the eyes and inner ears. As the disease progresses, patches may widen and spread over other parts, but they usually stay on the same part for years. On the other hand, macules shift their positions over time, as some areas lose their pigmentation and while others regain the pigmentation. The amount of skin affected by the condition varies from time to time, and from one patient to another.

Scientists and medical researchers have been conducting extensive research on skin conditions, but to this time, there is no known cure for vitiligo. The exact cause of vitiligo is also not known, but certain theories are associated with the causes of this condition. It may be as a result of an autoimmune defect, where a person’s immune system mistakenly attacks and destroy melanocytes, inhibiting production of melanin at that area. It is also believed to be caused by genetic factors, where one can inherit the condition from their relatives.
Vitiligo may also be as a result of neurogenic factors, where the nerve endings along the skin may produce substances that are toxic or harmful to melanocytes. There may exist a fault in the melanocyte cells, which makes them destroy themselves, hence self-destruction may also be a viable cause of the disease. Vitiligo can affect anyone, at any age, race or gender but it usually appears on people between 10-30 years. However, It rarely affects the very young and the very old. It is more conspicuous on people with darker skin tones.
There are several different types of vitiligo, such as:
- Generalized vitiligo – It’s the most common type, where macules appear in various parts of the body.
- Segmental vitiligo – It is restricted to one part of the body, such as the hands or face.
- Mucosal vitiligo – It affects the mucous membrane of the mouth and the genitals.
- Focal vitiligo – it’s macules are in small areas and do not spread far.
- Trichome vitiligo – It’s a rare type where patches have varying pigmentation, with a white or colourless centre, areas of white pigmentation and a section of normally pigmented skin.
- Universal vitiligo– It’s a rare type of vitiligo, where most of the body lacks pigmentation. It may affect over 80% of the skin.
As aforementioned, there is no treatment for vitiligo. The main aim of treatment is managing the symptoms. Treatment is meant to try and re-establish uniform skin tone, by either restoring colour(repigmentation) or eliminating the remaining colour(depigmentation). Some of the most commonly used forms of treatment are:
- Camouflage therapy – involves use of sunscreen to protect the skin from ultraviolet A and B light. (UVA and UVB). It also helps reduce tanning, hence minimizing contrast on the skin between the affected and non-affected areas.
- Repigmentation therapy – Involves the use of corticosteroids which are administered orally, or topically (as creams). It may take up to 3 months for results to be seen. It brings side effects such as skin thinning or stretch marks if used for long.
- Surgery – It involves taking of skin grafts from one part of the skin and using it to cover the affected part. The patient is at risk of scarring and infections.
- Light therapy – it involves the use of narrowband UVB laser treatment. It is an efficient way that is mainly aimed at stopping progression of the condition. This is because most patients treat most of the body parts including the non-affected areas. It also aids in repigmentation by increasing the number of melanocytes, which will increase melanin production and bring back the skin’s pigmentation.
At Avane clinic, our patients are placed in the safe ands of Dr Pancholi, who is one of the best doctors and dermatologists in the country. We have adapted light therapy as our prime mode of treatment, via the use of narrowband UVB treatment. This is a very efficient and safe procedure, that we’ve used with many patients and experienced a high success in treatment of vitiligo. The procedure is done on outpatient treatment plan. The patient is placed on special cabins with fluorescent lamps that emit UV light at a certain wavelength. Excimer lasers or lamps are used to treat individual parts of the body such as the hands and feet. The treatment takes about 10 minutes to be complete.
Depending on the severity of the condition, Dr Pancholi will recommend 2 or 3 treatment sessions a week, for about 6 months. The effectiveness varies from one person to another, and one may need continued treatment for a few months or a few years. Narrowband Laser UVB are not recommended for people with large lesions since the treatment Is delivered in small, targeted areas. Dr Pancholi discusses all the requirements and expectations with the clients before-hand, to ascertain their needs and willingness to take the treatment. He will also ask about the medical history of the patient and their families and conduct a physical examination on the affected area. In addition, he takes a blood sample for further analysis.
Contrary to common believes, laser treatment for vitiligo does not cause cancer. Research shows that vitiligo patients are less likely to get cancer, especially melanoma cancer. Vitiligo is often times confused with other skin conditions that cause change in pigmentation such as albinism, pityriasis alba, Tinea versicolor and chemical leukoderma. Vitiligo patients are likely to experience more sunlight sensitivity since they lack melanin. They may have defects in the retinas and variation of colour in the iris of their eyes. Moreover, they are prone to autoimmune conditions such as hypothyroidism, alopecia areata or anaemia. They may also have low self-esteem and feel less confident about themselves.
Use of laser treatment for vitiligo through narrowband UV treatment has few and minor side effects such as redness, dry skin, itching, rashes, burning, blistering and premature skin aging. Overexposure to the UV rays for long periods of time may increase one’s chances of getting cancer, though it is very rare with vitiligo patients. Avané clinic’s team of experts are well trained and highly qualified to handle vitiligo patients. We practice safe procedures and observe high level of proficiency which ensure that our clients experience as little side effects as possible.
Before and after.

The benefits of using narrow UVB treatment are an improvement on your skin tone within no time. It needs just a few subsequent visits and the results are seen within a few months after treatment. Laser treatment involve less complexity as compared to surgical procedures. Moreover, it involves less and minor side effects as compared to other treatment methods. It is also cheaper, safer and promises better results. Avane clinic is a top dermatology and medical clinic located at the Yaya centre, in Nairobi Kenya. Our esteemed team of medics are well trained and highly experienced in handling matters on skin diseases, especially vitiligo. We promise you quality services as we help you attain normal skin complexion and regain your confidence and self-esteem. Visit us for consolations or contact us to book an appointment with us today.