Our feet are probably one of the most used body parts, serving us various purposes daily. They take us wherever we want and are extremely important in certain sports such as soccer and athletics. They can however be susceptible to attacks by diseases micro-organisms. They affect their health and well-big. This in turn affects us also. Our toenails can easily be attacked by fungal infections, causing a condition called onychomycosis. There are several means of treatment available for fungal nail infections. At Avané clinic, Nairobi, we have a laser nail fungal treatment plan for nail fungal infections.
Onychomycosis or nail fungal infection is a condition caused by the infiltration of fungal organisms into the nail bed and nail plate. The most common cause is the overgrowth of dermatophytes in the body. Dermatophytes are fungal organisms that feed on keratinous material. Keratin is the material that makes up your nails. In addition to the dermatophytes, other fungal materials such as yeast and moulds can also cause fungal infections in the nails.

Onychomycosis is more prevalent on the toenails than on the fingernails. This is because the toenails usually receive less blood supply as compared to the fingernails. Moreover, our feet have other factors that trigger the thriving of fungi as compared to the finger. Feet are usually warmer, moister and lack air supply most of the time. The low circulation of blood, coupled with these factors makes the toenails a perfect place for the growth and reproduction of fungi. This allows them to wreak havoc on the toenails. They make the nails appear brittle and crumble. They are also weaker and discoloured. Oftentimes, they appear pale and have whitish patches and weak edges.
There are 4 types of nail fungal infections. These are:
- Proximal subungual onychomycosis- appears as white patches at the centre of the nail bed and grows outwards as the nail grows. They are less common though as they affect people with weakened immune systems.
- White superficial onychomycosis- It only affects the nail surface, usually the toenails. It starts as white spots, which then turn powdery and cause the nail to crumble eventually.
- Candid onychomycosis- It’s caused by yeast and mainly affects the fingernails. The area around the nail is usually inflamed and swollen. Furthermore, the nail tends to come off easily. This usually happens to nails that have been affected by another infection or injury.
- Distal onychomycosis – It’s the most common. Caused by the dermatophyte fungus. It grows from the nail bed, causing yellowish-coloured areas that spread from the nail bed towards the centre.
Nail fungal infections are highly transmittable. They are mostly spread through direct contact with someone that is infected. The fungi also tend to remain in materials such as clothes and shoes. One can get infected by sharing such material with an infected person. Moreover, the fungi can remain on surfaces. This means fungal infections can be gotten from gyms, swimming pools, costume acts etc. It is important for one to be careful while in such places.
Fungal nail infections attack anyone, despite their age, gender or race. Regardless, certain groups of people are at higher risk of being infected. Men are more likely to be attacked as compared to women. Moreover, elderly persons are also at a higher risk of getting onychomycosis. In addition to this, people who have weak immunity and those who tend to wear closed shoes for long periods are also at a higher risk of getting onychomycosis. Fungi can infiltrate the foot nail via crevices on the nail or nearby tissues. This means that people with toe or foot injuries and cracked nails have a higher risk of being infected.

There are several treatment methods available for fungal nail infections. These include antibiotics and retinoid creams. These products are usually ineffective and have adverse side effects. Creams can cause liver damage among other health effects. At Avané clinic, we adapt the use of laser technology to treat nail fungal infections. Laser technology is more reliable, faster and more effective. They also have fewer side effects as compared to other conventional treatments. Avané clinic uses the Splendor X laser technology for onychomycosis treatment.
Splendor X is a laser technology that has been proven to have the best results in the management of nail fungal infections. It uses the power of laser light to evenly heat the affected nail and skin tissue. This helps to effectively kill the parasitic fungi that had attacked your nails. The laser is transmitted directly on top of the nail. The doctor will ensure the infected area is fully exposed to the laser. This is done to reach the deep layers of the infected nail and surrounding tissue.
The Splendor X machine has its very own cooling device attached to it. The cooling mechanism helps make the entire laser experience painless. During your laser nail fungi treatment, you will have the laser zapped directly on the infected nail several times. However, instead of feeling the heat from the laser, you will feel a cold puff of air. This is a special attribute of Splendor X.
Generally, the laser treatment takes a maximum of 20 minutes, for one hand or foot. It may take more time or close to an hour if both feet and/or hands are being treated. Once you have completed your treatment, you can resume your normal daily activities. As the new nail grows in, it shows signs of clearing starting from the bottom of the nail. The entire treatment (with multiple sessions included) can take 6-12 months depending on how fast your nail grows.
The Splendor X technology has not only revamped cosmetic treatments but has also brought new hope to all patients affected by onychomycosis. Laser treatment has no serious side effects, unlike other forms of treatment such as creams and antibiotics. They can cause liver damage, among other dire effects. Laser technology helps fight nail fungi in and safe and easy way. It also helps prevent infection of other healthy nails.
Avané clinic is redefining how certain conditions that previously had less effective treatment are being managed. Through laser treatments, we can now help you treat skin conditions and even fungal infections. You can be one of the people who benefit from this treatment and enjoy the advantages that come with the use of laser technology, especially Splendor X technology. Visit us today at the Yaya centre, in Nairobi, Kenya today to consult with our doctors. Moreover, you can also contact us to book your appointment or consult with our doctors.