Juvéderm Treatment in Nairobi

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When we are young, we fancy the idea of having skin that remains soft and bright forever. We do all that we can to ensure that our ski is as lovely as we’d want it to be. Sometimes, we go out of our way to achieve this goal. However, as we age, the reality that our fantasy is far-fetched begins to hit us. As we age, our skin loses its softness and develops signs and effects of ageing. The skin becomes lax, losses volume a forms wrinkles and fine lines. Some of us get devastated by this and fall into panic and self-pity. However, this doesn’t have to be the case. Avané clinic, Nairobi, offer you solace for your worry. Through Juvéderm therapy, we can restore your skin to its former glory, easily and effectively.

Juvéderm is a type of cosmetic dermal filler, that is used to restore facial contours and improve signs of ageing. It is used mostly on the face, to treat loss of volume and fill wrinkles and facial lines, such as the nasolabial folds. Nasolabial folds are the lines that form from the nose to the corners of the mouth. They appear due to facial expressions such as smiling or laughing over years. Juvéderm is made of Hyaluronic acids and is introduced into the body through minute injections. There are various types of Juvéderm products, each with its own concentration of Hyaluronic Acid (HA) and other components. Each of these products is used to treat a specific condition.

Juvéderm treatment

Juvéderm products are gel-like. However, they have a smooth consistency gel, unlike other hyaluronic gel products that have a granular consistency. Juvéderm products are made using the Hylacross technology to allow a smoother, malleable gel. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring sugar found in the body. It works by holding in water at the injection site and acting as a cushioning agent. Moreover, it adds temporary volume and a smoother appearance to the skin. As we age, the body produces lower amounts of Hyaluronic Acid. This creates a drying effect and loss of volume. Juvéderm therapy helps increase the Hyaluronic acid levels in the body. Most patients need more than one treatment to achieve optimal results.


There are several types of Juvéderm. These include:

Juvéderm XC- Most suitable for moderate or severe facial folds or wrinkles. These include nasolabial folds and other lines. It minimizes or eradicates these creases by adding volume to the creases. It can last for up to a year since injection.

Juvéderm Ultra XC- It is most suitable for use on lips, to produce lip augmentation. This helps yield fuller and broader lips when injected. Moreover, they can also be used on facial folds and creases, to fill them and eliminate the creases completely.

Juvéderm Volbella XC- It is injected into lips to produce filling and correct perioral lines. It helps enhance lip thickness, and create a smoother lips surface. Furthermore, it is also injected into under eyes hollows to improve their appearance.

Juvéderm Voluma XC- It is injected in the cheeks it is used to increase facial volume, which might have been caused by ageing. Furthermore, it augments the cheeks and chin region. This helps improve the appearance of the lower facial features.

Juvéderm treatment
Juvéderm aids in lip augementation

Juvéderm injections can be critical, if not handled with care. Their main components are acids and chemical compounds, which can have adverse effects if not well used. There are care and precaution that should e taken when administering the injections. This is why it’s important to seek expert services, from trained, qualified ad certified medical practitioners. If you are in need of Juvéderm services, Avané clinic is the best place for you. We have a dedicated team of experts, led by Dr Pancholi. Dr Pancholi is one of the best, if not the best dermatologist in East and Central Africa.

To start your treatment, we require that you have a consultation session with our doctor. Here, the specialist reviews your medical history and queries you on allergies, family history and any medication you might be using. He also examines the part you are treating and can map out the treatment area. Dr Pancholi then discusses with you the treatment procedure in depth, explaining the requirements, benefits and possible effects. The procedure is minimally invasive and does not need much preparation. It can be done on the same day of the consultation if you’re ready, or the doctor can schedule an appointment for you.

The procedure.

During the procedure, your doctor or nurse typically uses a pen to mark the areas to be treated. Your doctor will then inject Juvéderm into the target area. They will also lightly massage the area to ensure even distribution and reduce the chance of swelling. The entire procedure usually takes between 15 and 60 minutes, depending on the area to be treated. Juvéderm injections contain a small amount of pain-reducing lidocaine, which helps minimize any pain or discomfort you feel during treatment and make it go away quickly. Alternatively, the doctor may choose to numb this area before the injection, by using a numbing cream.

Expectations and recovery.

Juvéderm injections have zero downtime, and hence, you can resume normal activities almost immediately after the injections. You should however avoid strenuous activities, alcoholic drinks and long-term exposure to sunlight or heat exposure for the first 24 hours after the procedure. This will help reduce minor side effects such as swelling, redness, and itching at the points of injection. Should you notice any of these signs, you can place an ice pack over the swollen skin. Juvéderm is effective and you will notice improvements within no time. However, the results are temporary and can last between 6 months and 24 months (2 years). They gradually wear out and will require repeat therapy. 

Juvéderm treatment

Benefits of Juvéderm treatment.

Juvéderm helps get rid of facial effects and improve signs of ageing. It helps remove creases on the face, fills wrinkles and fine lines, and well as folds on the skin. Moreover, they trigger the production of more collagen in the body. This helps improve skin tightness and brightness. It also helps produce finer, fuller facial skin. Furthermore, Juvéderm treatment is fast, safe and if well done involves minimal side effects. Its effects may vary in duration, but they do meet the expected results.

To cap it all off…

Anyone who wishes to improve their skin appearance and improve on the signs of ageing is free to try Juvéderm products. As much as we appreciate ageing, we don’t usually like walking around looking our age. We want that beautiful and precious mien of youth. At Avane clinic, Nairobi, we can help you achieve this goal, through Juvéderm treatment. You can visit us at the Yaya centre, Nairobi for consultation and treatment at your convenience, Furthermore, you can also contact our clinic to book an appointment with our fine doctors or enquire about Juvéderm or other services we have at Avané clinic. 

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Avane team Nairobi
Doctor Pancholi Technology