Hypopigmentation Treatment in Nairobi

Kenyans and the whole world at large can now access treatment of various skin conditions, thanks to advancements in and popularisation of cosmetic treatments. For many years, patients with skin conditions suffered in silence and agonized over their trouble with no viable solutions. This led to lower confidence and self-esteem in these patients. It affected […]
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Kenyans and the whole world at large can now access treatment of various skin conditions, thanks to advancements in and popularisation of cosmetic treatments. For many years, patients with skin conditions suffered in silence and agonized over their trouble with no viable solutions. This led to lower confidence and self-esteem in these patients. It affected their social life, limiting their interactions and social activities. This was because they feared stigmatization and prejudice from the then society. Technology and medical research have helped ease this. Nowadays, skin conditions such as hypopigmentation can now be easily managed. In Kenya, Avané clinic brings hypopigmentation treatment near you. Avané clinic ensures the treatment is easily accessible and affordable to all.

Hypopigmentation is a skin condition characterised by patches of the skin that are lighter than the normal skin tone. This may happen over large areas of the body, or in different patches spread across the body parts.  It is not deadly and cannot cause fatal effects on the affected person. Furthermore, it is non-communicable, and thus cannot be transmitted from one person to another through physical contact. Hypopigmentation is in some instances, a symptom of certain skin conditions such as vitiligo. It can also be a side effect of cosmetic treatments such as chemical peels when done incorrectly.

Hypopigmentation treatment in Nairobi

Causes of hypopigmentation.

Hypopigmentation is mainly caused by the production of low melanin levels in the body. It can also be caused by skin trauma, injury, burns or blisters. As these injuries heal, they cause scars. These scars can cause the skin to develop a lighter pigmentation that the neighbouring skin. Chemical exposure can also cause hypopigmentation. Moreover, cosmetic skin treatments such as laser peels and chemical peels may cause hypopigmentation if done incorrectly. Genetics also cause hypopigmentation, and it can be passed on from one family member to their descendants. Such cases of hypopigmentation are present from birth. Hypopigmentation can also occur as a result of medical conditions affecting the skin. These include psoriasis, eczema, lichen sclerosis and tinea versicolor.

Melanin and its influence on hypopigmentation.

Melanin is the chemical product responsible for giving the skin its colour. It also gives colour to other parts such as hair and eyes. Melanin is produced in the melanocyte cells in the skin. The concentration of melanin in the body determines its skin tone. The higher the concentration, the darker the pigmentation and thus, the darker the skin tone. Different body parts or sections of the skin in a part can have different levels of melanin. They will also have varying skin tones, with some parts or sections being darker and others being lighter. When the skin’s pigmentation has lighter areas, this condition is called hypopigmentation.

Types of hypopigmentation.

Albinism– It’s an inherited disorder that arises from a gene mutation of an individual, that affects melanin production. This leads to low melanin levels and a lack of skin pigmentation. It usually affects the whole body. Albinism is present from birth as one is born with it. It however does not become more ever with. Albinism is characterised by very pale skin, light coloured or blue eyes and white, brown or blond hair. Patients with this condition have sensitive skins, that are easily traumatized or injured. They will also be more sensitive to sunburns.

Hypopigmentation treatment in Nairobi

Vitiligo- This is a condition that causes patches of white or pale skin on your body. Its exact cause is unknown. However, medical evidence points to it being a result of the destruction of melanocyte cells by the body’s immune system. These patches vary in size and paleness. They can appear on the face, neck, hands, groin, genital area and armpits. The patches can also appear inside the mouth. Vitiligo is common for persons aged 30 years and above.

Hypopigmentation treatment in Nairobi

Pityriasis alba- It’s a condition that causes the appearance of slightly inflamed patches on the skin which can lose pigmentation over time. There is no known cause for this condition. However, it is attributed to eczema. The patches heal themselves over time. If not treated, it takes about a year for them to heal, but might return later on in life. This condition is noticeable in people with darker skin. It may affect the face, arms or upper trunk.

Tinea versicolor- It is also called pityriasis versicolor. It’s a fungal infection, that occurs as a result of an overactive yeast action on the skin. This condition has no major complications but causes scaly spots on the skin.  Moreover, it is also non-contagious. It appears on the chest, upper back, upper arm and abdomen.

Hypopigmentation diagnosis

Before any treatment happens, we recommend consultations between the clients and our specialists. Here, the doctor performs a series of tests to aid in the diagnosis of the condition.  They will perform a physical examination of the skin. The doctor also conducts other tests such as the Electrodiagnostic test. In this test, the specialist attaches small electrodes to the head to detect signals between the eyes and the brain. This test helps in detecting albinism. They will also take a biopsy sample for analysis. This involves the extraction of a small section of skin from the affected area to be used as a specimen. After the results are obtained, the medics give a medical analysis report and determine the type of condition. They discuss the result with the patients and come up with the best treatment method for the condition.


The hypopigmentation treatment method used depends on the underlying cause, age, the extent of the condition and the patient’s health. At Avané clinic, we recommend treatment using condition-specific treatments. Hypopigmentation caused by acute inflammations such as burns and scarring does not require any treatment. They will usually heal over time as the skin cells in the affected region heal. We use anti-inflammatory creams to treat Lichen Sclerosus and pityriasis alba. For tinea versicolor, we use anti-fungal medications. These can be taken as pills or creams to be applied to the skin. We also recommend that our patients use a medicated cleaner frequently, to ensure the fungus does not come back.

Vitiligo treatment involves light treatment therapies offered at our clinic. We may also use depigmentation or laser therapy as alternative and effective treatments. In some cases, the doctor may also recommend surgical procedures to manage vitiligo. Some conditions, such as albinism are life-long and have no treatment. Our doctors advise albinism patients on how to live healthy lives. They discuss the condition, the short-term and long-term expectations and how to take care of their skin. At Avané clinic, we also offer other treatment therapies that are effective in the management of various hypopigmentation problems. They include micro-needling, chemical peels and dermabrasions. These help in stimulating collagen generation in the body, which triggers the production of more melanin on the skin.

Possible complications.

Patients suffering from Albinism have a higher risk of getting skin cancer. This is because their skin is more vulnerable to damage by ultraviolet rays. In addition, they are more vulnerable to sunburns and other skin damage when subjected to long periods of sun exposure. Albinism also affects the development of the eyes, and thus, patients have a likelihood to develop eye problems. Lichen sclerosis does not cause cancer in itself. However, the scars related to this condition may become cancerous. Social concerns should also be considered as complications of hypopigmentation. For example, many people who have vitiligo and albinism also experience social anxiety because of their skin’s appearance and how others interact with them.

A Note from Avané Clinic.

In as much as hypopigmentation is not a fatal condition, and usually has no adverse effect, its impact on patients cannot be overlooked. Some patients suffer from self-hate, social anxiety, low esteem and lose confidence in themselves due to their appearance. As a society, we should be providing a safe environment and helpful remedies for such people. Avané clinic helps them find a solution to their remedy. Through our hypopigmentation treatment, we help you find your normal skin tone and restore the joy in your life. We have an able team of specialists, led by Dr Pancholi, who have dedicated their lives to making yours better. Visit us today at the Yaya centre for treatment and experience our amazing services. Feel free to contact us for booking an appointment or any query you may have.

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