The word hyperpigmentation is enough to send a shiver down the spine of a person, who is oblivious of what it is. While most people may have a clue or hunch of what it’s all about, some are still in the dark. Being oblivious about the situation doesn’t make one inferior in any way. If you are in this group, then brace yourself and follow along as we break down this enigma.
What is hyperpigmentation?
Hyperpigmentation is a skin condition that causes the appearance of dark patches on the skin. These dark patches are irregular with a person’s normal skin tone. For people with dark or fairly dark complexions, these hyperpigmentation patches appear darker than normal. They are also conspicuous. The patches make the skin look irregular and may form the impression of multi-coloured skin. These spots can be found on any part of the body. They however appear mostly on the face, neck, legs and hands.

What causes hyperpigmentation?
This condition is caused by the overproduction of melanin in the skin. This may arise due to hormonal changes in the body. The genetic make of a person can also influence the production of melanin in their body. Hyperpigmentation can also be caused by other factors such as exposure to sunlight, inflammations and environmental conditions. Trauma and certain medication may also cause hyperpigmentation. It may also be caused by scars on the skin that form dark patches after or as they heal
What implications might it have?
Despite popular belief, hyperpigmentation is not fatal and neither is it deadly. It also has no effects on your health and cannot cause other conditions. However, it is uncomfortable to see uneven skin tones or dark patches on the skin. Hyperpigmentation is a normal skin condition, that can affect anyone, at any time. The good news is that this condition is treatable. Avané clinic in Nairobi is one such place that offers safe and affordable hyperpigmentation treatment.
Is Hyperpigmentation contagious?
The answer to this is No. This condition is not contagious. It can therefore not be spread from one person to another through any physical means. Researchers across the world have conducted clinical tests on the condition. None of its symptoms or features depicts any sign of it being contagious. You, therefore, have nothing to fear if you encounter someone with this condition. Show some love and care rather than agonize them over their condition.
How will I know if I have hyperpigmentation?
The condition presents itself in different forms. One of these forms is age spots or liver spots. These brown, tan or dark spots appear on the skin due to sunlight exposure. It may also show as melasma. Melasma is characterized by brown patches on the face, around the forehead, cheeks and upper lip. These patches are common in women, especially during pregnancy. Melasma patches are a result of hormonal changes in the body. Hyperpigmentation may also manifest on the skin as acne, freckles, acne scars, eczema or scratches. These are known as Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH).

What are the risk factors for hyperpigmentation?
Long-time exposure to sunlight, inflammations due to injury, scars or infections are the largest risk factors. This is because they lead to a high increase in melanin production. The use of contraception that triggers hormonal changes can also be a huge risk factor, and so is pregnancy. Using drugs that increase skin sensitivity to sunlight is also a risk. Wounds, burns, cuts or any form of trauma to the skin are also risk factors. People with darker skin complexions are more prone to hyperpigmentation.
How is hyperpigmentation diagnosed?
If you have noticed any signs of the condition, or you would like a checkup for safety and closure, then Avané clinic should be your number one destination. At our clinic, we have a team of highly trained and qualified individuals. They have tons of knowledge and wide experience in hyperpigmentation treatment. The team is led by Dr Pancholi, who is a top-ranked dermatologist in the country. He is helped by other specialists who are equally as good and productive.
Our clients are first booked in for a consultation with one of our specialists. During the consultation, the medics enquire about the patient’s medical history. This may cover their allergies, family condition and drugs they are using. The specialist then conducts a physical examination of the patient’s skin. This is done using a special light called Wood’s light. In some cases, we may have to take a biopsy to confirm the condition. These are done to ensure the right diagnosis is made for the conditions.
Based on the findings, the specialist then makes a medical analysis of your diagnosis. He then discusses the most appropriate forms of treatment for you.
How is the condition treated?
At Avané clinic, we have a wide range of hyperpigmentation treatment services. The doctor recommends the best form of treatment to take, based on the type and extent of your condition. These treatment services have their benefits, risks and possible disadvantages. The doctor also discusses these with you during the consultation before choosing a treatment plan. The treatments used at Avané clinic, are safe for use in hyperpigmentation treatment. They have been clinically tested and approved by the FDA. The remedies include:
- Use of lightening creams- these are recommended where the hyperpigmentation is light. They contain ingredients that lower pigmentation. They are applied to the skin once or twice to help lighten it over time. These creams can also be found in gel form. They are best suited for melasma and age spots. They are not a one-time-fix solution, and one has to use them for several months to see the change.
- Retinoid creams– They contain Vitamin A components. They are among some of the oldest skin care products used. They have a small molecular size, which allows them to penetrate through the skin easily. This helps them to access and treat deep layers of the skin. They are safe for use on any skin tone, and to manage any form of hyperpigmentation.
- Microdermabrasion– it is used to treat skin conditions that affect the epidermis. It involves exfoliation of the affected epidermal cells, to allow newer cells to grow. The dermatologist uses a soft, handheld drill-like tool with a brush to exfoliate the skin. This is best for people with superficial scars. One may require more than one visit to achieve their desired goal.
- Dermabrasion– just like microdermabrasion, it also involves the exfoliation of skin cells. The difference is that with dermabrasion, deeper dermal skin layers are treated. It is best used for people with acne scars, age spots, injury scars and sun damage. Removal of damaged skin cells during the exfoliation process allows growth and formation of newer, younger and healthier skin cells.
- Laser treatment– at Avané clinic, we use PiQo laser treatment, through our PiQo4 laser machine. It uses nanosecond and picosecond pulses with multiple wavelengths and high energies to break down the pigmentation on the skin. Furthermore, it offers faster recoveries with its deep-reach functionalities. Moreover, it covers a wide space area with approximately 15.5 mm of skin area being covered at a time as a single spot.
- Chemical peels– A chemical peel uses acid concentrations to exfoliate damaged skin. The acid concentrations are made according to the level of exfoliation required. They allow loss of the damaged skin and facilitate the development and growth of newer and healthier skin. The chemicals used at Avané clinic are safe for your skin. The peel is gentle and doesn’t harm the body. chemical peels are prone to complications and may have side effects.
Can I be a candidate for hyperpigmentation treatment?
Anyone can be a candidate for hyperpigmentation treatment. This however depends on the type of the condition and the type of treatment you choose. Our doctors will advise you on the best treatment for your condition and instruct you on what to do. The type of treatment you have will dictate whether or not you are a viable candidate for it. There are many options and we are sure that there is something for everyone.
How do I prevent hyperpigmentation?
It is not always possible to prevent hyperpigmentation. Nonetheless, one can protect themselves by using approved and appropriate sunscreen, to prevent overexposure to sunlight. In addition, wearing hats, caps and clothes that block sunlight can also be a protective measure. Hormonal triggers can be avoided by using non-hormonal contraceptives. Moreover, avoiding certain medications can also help in protecting you against hyperpigmentation. Another important measure to observe is protecting your skin from trauma, by avoiding injuries, cuts and burns.
How can I cope with hyperpigmentation?
As mentioned above, hyperpigmentation isn’t fatal and it’s not contagious. Despite all these, it can make you feel insecure and self-conscious. To cope with the condition, we recommend that our patients follow certain precautions. These are: seeking medical help for hyperpigmentation and being patient with the treatment plan recommended. This is because treatment takes time to achieve the patient’s objective. Do not pick on pimples or other imperfections. We also advise them to follow the recommended skincare routine. Moreover, they need to realize that they are not alone in this. They should seek support from friends and family. Furthermore, they may seek therapy or self-help groups for people with hyperpigmentation.
What are the benefits of hyperpigmentation treatment?
It helps one regain their confidence and win over their insecurities. This helps regenerate their confidence and save their social lives. The treatment procedures are fast and safe. We have several alternative procedures, which are all effective in managing this condition. This means that everyone can get treatment, even if one form of treatment doesn’t favour them.
A note from Avané clinic.
Hyperpigmentation is a condition affecting people across the globe. it is harmless to your health. Moreover, it cannot be passed to another person. Avané clinic understands that despite these, one still feels insecure about their looks and self-conscious about how others perceive them. Through our competent team of specialists and by the use of our treatment plans, we can make this trouble vanish for you. We can take the burden off your shoulder. Visit us today at the Yaya Centre, in Nairobi and experience our amazing variety of services. Feel free to contact us to book an appointment with our specialists. THANK YOU.