As human beings, we are intimate creatures and we like making the most out of this. We like to express our sexuality through intimacy. We like to enjoy such moments and make the most out of them. There are however factors that can limit our fun or enjoyment during intimacy. For women, quality time in the bedroom is marked by climaxing and achieving orgasm. This is however not the case for all women, since not all women get vaginal orgasm easily. The good news is that there is some consolation for women who cannot achieve it easily. Avané clinic, Nairobi, offers G-shot treatment. This is a non-invasive treatment to help in easy stimulation and amplification of the G-spot.
What is the G-spot?
The G-spot is also called the Greenberg spot. It is named after a German gynaecologist called Dr Ernst Greenberg, who first described it in a medical journal in the 1950s. The G-spot is an area inside the female human anatomy, located about 2 or 3 inches (2-6 cm) up the anterior vaginal wall. This point is very sensitive, and its stimulation causes a vaginal orgasm in many women. This is because it is an accumulation of nerve endings and one of the first-order erogenous zones.

What is the G-shot?
The G-shot is a cosmetic procedure used to enhance the sensitivity of the G-spot for increased sexual sensitivity and sexual pleasure. This is also called G-spot Amplification. It is done through a minimally invasive, non-surgical procedure at our clinic. The treatment is done via injection of Hyaluronic acid-based fillers into the G-spot. This increases the sensitivity of the vaginal wall at the G-spot. Consequently, it leads to an easier vaginal organism and a more intense orgasm. Additionally, it also enhances the sexual experience and improves intimacy.
How does the G-shot work?
The main component of the G-shot injections is a filler material, made of Hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is a component produced naturally by our bodies. As a natural component of the skin, it helps to bind water particles together, hence maintaining it and enhancing the increase in volume. When injected into the G-spot, the hyaluronic acid-based filers help to augment (enlarge) the part and it increases in volume. Ideally, a single injection increases the size of the G-spot by about the size of a quarter in width and one-fourth of an inch in height. This helps improve the projection of the G-spot inside the vagina.
Why get a G-shot?
Many women can achieve orgasm through stimulation of the G-spot. This is however not the case for all women. Some women have trouble reaching a vaginal orgasm due to the small nature of their G-spot. Other times, the dilation or stretching of the vagina during sex means the G-spot is hidden and can’t be stimulated enough to give the woman an enthusiastic vaginal orgasm. A G-shot helps such women to achieve pleasure during sex. It enables them to have a better, more engaging and happier sex life.

What cosmetic concerns does a G-shot procedure treat?
G-shots are important in treating Female Sexual Wellness. The Injection of hyaluronic acid into the G-spot stimulates blood flow and stimulates new tissue growth. This helps to enhance sensitivity. Moreover, the G-shot can help treat Mommy Makeover. This is because the treatment can help women experiencing changes in sexual function and experience after pregnancy.
Who is the ideal candidate for a G-shot?
The ideal candidate for a G-shot procedure is a woman experiencing difficulty achieving vaginal climax. A G-shot is not recommended for those seeking treatment for certain sexual dysfunctions like dyspareunia or low libido (low sex drive). It can however be complemented with other vaginal rejuvenation treatments such as O-shot (Clitoris shot).
What to do.
Before you have the procedure, it is important to establish a qualified, well-dedicated and experienced medical personnel to perform the procedure on you. You are guaranteed to find these at Avané clinic, with the likes of our ever-competent lead consultant, Dr Pancholi. You are required to have a consultation with the doctor. The doctor may ask questions about your medical history, allergies to drugs and other medically relevant questions. He also discusses your objectives and expectations with you, to identify your motivation. Moreover, the doctor also offers in-depth knowledge on the subject, answering all questions you might have about the procedure. We shall also require you to sign a consent form, as proof of authorisation for the procedure.
The procedure.
A G-shot procedure is performed as an outpatient procedure at the doctor’s office. The procedure begins with the doctor applying Topical anaesthesia along the anterior wall of the vagina at the location of the G-Spot. You will then be required to wait for about 30 minutes as the anaesthesia takes effect. Next, you will be asked to lie on the examination table. The specialist performs a pelvic examination and conducts a measurement of the G-spot. He then transfers these measurements to a special speculum.
The doctor inserts the speculum, which has the location of the G-Spot on it into the vagina. He then injects the filler gel into the G-spot. A tampon is then placed to avoid bleeding. The tampon is to be removed in 4 hours. The entire G-Shot injection procedure takes approximately 5 minutes. The injection in itself takes less than 8 minutes. The procedure has to be done carefully and with keen precision and professionalism. These are some of the core characteristics of our specialists at Avané clinic.
The expected results.
After the procedure, there might be slight bleeding. The doctor inserts a tampon into the vagina to solve this problem. The tampon should however not be left in for more than 4 hours. The results will be noticeable immediately. They are also very durable, as they can last for between 4 to 12 months. However, you will need time maintaining treatments. These results can vary from one person to another. The doctor will discuss these with you during the consultation. He will also share how to ensure the results last longer and are more effective.
What is the recovery time after the procedure?
The best thing about G-shot treatment is that there is no downtime. You can resume normal activities about just 4 hours after the procedure. This means that you can also resume sexual activities after just 4 hours. In addition to this, the whole procedure takes just under 1 hour. This means that it can be taken at your convenience without affecting other routines or activities in your schedule.
What are the potential side effects of G-shot?
Having a G-shot procedure might present some, though rare side effects. These include bleeding, persistent arousal and constant vaginal wetness. Moreover, it can also cause urinary retention and altered vaginal sensations. Hypersexuality and hematuria are also other possible side effects. The treatment might also cause UTIs and scar formation, or inconsistent results.
Takeaway note.
As humans, we express our love or obsession with intimacy. It is also your right to enjoy every moment of it. As a woman, nothing excites you more during sex than climaxing and having a mind-blowing orgasm. At Avané clinic, we understand that not all women have this privilege. We are here to help you bridge this gap towards achieving your much-desired vaginal orgasm. Through G-shot amplification via G-spot injection, we can help you revamp your sexual life. Visit us at the Yaya Centre in Nairobi, Kenya and start your treatment today. You could also feel free to contact us to enquire about the G-shot or other services.