Have you noticed the Presence of dark circles on your eyes? Do the dark circles also lead to the formation of bags under your eyes? Do you feel like they make you look much older or unhealthy? Do they make you feel less beautiful or less appreciative of your looks? Do their tamper with your confidence or self-esteem? Are you looking for a solution or a way to get rid of them? Do you live in or near Nairobi? If you answered Yes to these questions or you relate to this issue, we at Avané clinic have some good news for you. We offer dark circles treatment at our Nairobi clinic. You don’t need to feel insecure about them any more since Avané clinic brings the solution close to you.

Dark circles are dark-coloured patches that form on the skin around the eyes, usually under the eyelids. They make a person’s face look tired and dull, even when they are not. They also make one look stressed and older in age, even though they are younger and not stressed. This is a chagrin trait that makes people want to get rid of them as soon as possible. Dark circles are not medically harmful and have no known medical effects. They however take a toll on someone’s professional and personal look, especially when in the public. This makes treating them a priority for most affected people. Luckily, dark circles can be contained through dark spots treatment, which is offered at Avané clinic.
Causes of dark circles.
Popular belief is that dark spots are primarily caused by fatigue and not having enough rest. This is not entirely accurate, though it’s not far from the truth. Fatigue and inadequate sleep have a negative effect on the skin, which increases one’s chances of getting dark circles. However, dark circles are caused by skin-related factors such as loss of fat and collagen and hyperpigmentation in the area around the eyes. Other factors that may increase one’s chances of getting dark spots, (apart from fatigue and inadequate sleep) are:
- Environmental factors such as over-exposure to sunlight.
- Allergies and nasal congestions cause poor blood circulation around the lower eyelids, leading to dilation, and darkening of veins in that section.
- Straining of eyes, due to spending too much time on our screens (Laptop, televisions, phones, etc), causes dilation of blood vessels near the eyes.
- Aging is probably the most common trigger since as we age, our skin gets thinner due to natural collagen loss and deterioration of volume.
- Unhealthy diets, such as excessive sodium intake through salt and other products.
- Alcohol and tobacco abuse.
- Certain medications such as eye drops to treat glaucoma.
- It may also be genetically passed on in the family.
Elder people are at a higher risk of getting dark circles, as compared to younger people. They are common in older people but very rare in younger people. People with dark skin complexions are also more likely to get dark spots than those with lighter or whiter complexions. High-risk group for dark circles also includes drug abusers, anemia patients, people who work overtime and late at night, patients with certain allergies, and persons who have a genetic predisposition to this condition (periorbital hyperpigmentation). Based on your complexion, dark skin can be dark, purple, or dark-brownish in color.
Treatment of Dark Circles.
Treatment of dark spots can be done in a variety of ways. We recommend that our clients should have a consultation with our doctors, led by Dr Pancholi, before any treatment is done. The doctor conducts a physical examination on the affected area to know the extent of the condition. He also enquires about the patient’s medical and family history as well as inquiries on his general lifestyle. Consultations are important as it is here that one gets to know the root cause of their dark circles. It also helps the doctor make the right diagnosis and decide on the treatment approach. There is a certain conditions that manifests as dark circles, such as hypothyroidism, undernourishment, liver complications, and excessive dehydration.
Dr. Pancholi recommends a variety of remedies, based on his assessment and the extent of the condition. He may advise a patient to change their lifestyles, such as food, quiet drugs and consider vitamins in their dietary inclusions He may also offers vitamins and mineral supplements, which help fight off dark spots naturally. He may also recommend the use of topical creams for skin lightening to apply to the affected area. These creams may contain azelaic acid, kojic acid, glycolic acid, and sometimes, hydroquinone. Some of the products in the creams are harmful and deleterious if used inappropriately. They should therefore be used strictly as the doctor prescribes and should one note any side effects or unexpected outcomes, they should consult the doctor immediately.
Furthermore, we use dermal fillers are used in the treatment of dark circles. This is if the doctor notices that dark circles formed as a result of thinning of the skin under the eyes. Fillers are fluids that are made from solutions of Restylane or Juvéderm. They are injected into the tissues near the eyes by our doctors in meager proportions using minute injections. Fillers are helpful in regaining volume that may be lost under the eyes. They also help stimulate collagen formation, which helps the skin under the eyes regain its brighter, youthful, and healthier look. Fillers need subsequent visits to the dermatologist so as to ensure optimal effectiveness. Dr. Pancholi will help you find a schedule for your visits the clinic, for check-ups or treatment.
In addition to this, we also offer laser treatment for the management of dark circles. Laser treatment is proven to be the most effective means of treatment for dark circles. At Avané clinic, we use non-invasive lasers, which target pigmentation and vascularity of the dark circles. Dr. Pancholi examines the dark circle and determines its intensity. He will then choose the best type of laser treatment to use, and the appropriate strength, wavelength, and energy depending on the intensity of the dark circle.
The shining of the laser on the darkened patch heats them up and breaks the pigmentation bonds under the skin, causing them to disintegrate. The body’s immune system treats these as foreign materials and eliminates them. It also activates the body’s healing mechanism, where nutrients are sent to the site of treatment to aid in healing. Moreover, it stimulates collagen formation, leading to the formation of youthful and healthier collagen in the treated area. Several treatments are also required and Dr. Pancholi will also help you find an appropriate schedule for your treatments.
There are several benefits to having dark circles treatment at Avané clinic. These include having younger-looking and bright skin in place of the groggy, tired-looking, and stressed look you previously had. This will help boost your appearance and improve your self-confidence. Our doctors recommend a variety of treatments depending on the intensity of your condition. This means one is not forced to undergo complicated procedures where they are not necessary. Laser and filler treatment help improve collagen formation on your skin, which naturally improves its looks. These procedures also have minimal downtime, and the results are long-lasting. They are also safe for use, as they are FDA-approved. They are offered at affordable costs at Avané clinic.
Before and after

Risk factors and side effects.
Despite these, there are minor risks and side effects associated with the treatment of dark circles. The topical creams used for skin lightening may lead to skin rashes, skin sensitivity, burns, corrasion of the skin, acne outbreak, infections, and headaches. If not properly administered, they also lead to liver damage, kidney damage, and blood infections. Hence, it is important to have prescriptions given by a qualified and experienced medical specialist, such as the ones we have at Avané clinic. Fillers and laser treatment may also cause infections, burns, blisters, and swelling, and scarring on the skin, although chances are slim.
Dark spots are harmless but they affect our looks and well-being. They may also affect our mental health condition, and lower our esteem. However, at Avané clinic, we have a remedy for this. We are located and the Yaya center, in Nairobi Kenya. We are a top dermatology clinic, offering a variety of services at friendly costs and with a guarantee of quality treatment. Visit us today or contact us to book an appointment with our specialists, and get a chance to experience the Avané Clinic Magic on your skin.