Losing excess weight and body fat is considered a life’s goal for many people. We have this idealistic view or opinion of how we would like to look. Oftentimes, we go out of our way to achieve this goal. We enrol for weight loss programmes; we work our hearts off in exercise regimes. At times, we even have to let go of our favourite sumptuous meals and opt for more nutritious, less harmful foods. But despite all these, we might not achieve our desired body. We may have fat in areas hard to reach. In some cases, we may have excess skin as a result of weight or fat loss in the body. This can create a not-so-pleasing appearance. The good news however is that Avane clinic, Nairobi has a solution to this. We offer body contouring treatment, to help you achieve your goals for a dream body appearance.
Body contouring is a medical or surgical procedure that is done with the aim of reshaping an area of the body. It is also called body sculpting. This is due to its ability to sculpt or create a new body form or shape from the original form. Body contouring procedures are usually done after significant weight loss or pregnancy to reshape the body. It is helpful in helping you lose excess skin, cellulite or fat areas. Contrary to popular opinion, body sculpting does not help you lose weight in any way. It is more of a cosmetic than eight loss procedure. It helps you find areas where weight loss wasn’t very effective or areas where weight loss led to excess skin.
Why is body contouring done?
Most of our patients choose to have body contouring to look and feel thinner. Others do it to attain a certain body shape of their will. Some people prefer them to treat areas where diet or exercise isn’t making a noticeable change in their bodies. Body contouring can be done by both surgical and non-surgical means. The non-surgical means are non-invasive, safer and cheaper. However, they are less efficient and require multiple treatments over time. Surgical procedures are a little bit more expensive, a bit more efficient and require less repeated treatments. They can be used to remove the extra skin and make it look smoother and younger. They help improve saggy or wrinkled skin, especially one that occurs after weight loss or with ageing. Body contouring can be performed on arms, back, buttocks, thighs, belly and flanks, neck and on chin.

As aforementioned, there are both surgical and non-surgical means to attain body sculpting. At Avane clinic, we have an educated, well-trained qualified and certified team of experts to help you with these procedures. The team is led by our very own Dr Pancholi, one of the best dermatologists and cosmetic surgeons in Kenya. Before any procedure, we recommend that our clients visit the doctors for consultation. Here, the doctors will discuss your medical history. He asks about medical conditions you might be having and any drugs or medications you might be using. Moreover, they also discuss your goals and expectations concerning the procedure you’re seeking.
Our specialists have years of experience and tons of knowledge of the various procedures for body contouring. They will discuss the options with you in in-depth detail, revealing their purpose, requirements, benefits and even risks involved. Furthermore, you are free to make enquiries on areas you might not have understood or share your concerns about the procedures. Our team will be ready and willing to help you out. The specialist will then help you choose an appropriate treatment. They will recommend any test that needs to be done as requirements for the procedure. At Avane clinic, our client’s agreement with the treatment is paramount, and hence, we shall require you to sign a consent form. This is meant to be proof of your authorisation for the treatment. The doctor will then book you in for the procedure and give you a date when it’ll be done.
Some of the non-invasive treatments include:
Cryolipolysis – This involves the use of extremely cold temperatures to destroy fat. One of the earliest forms of cryolipolysis is CoolSculpting. This is a non-invasive, fat-eliminating treatment, and is FDA-approved. It uses a CoolSculpting device that uses controlled cooling to permanently freeze fat cells that are resistant to diet and exercise. It is used on the inner thighs, upper arms, and stomach. The final results materialize after about three months as the frozen cells die and the body eliminates them naturally. However, a massive bonus of this treatment is that new cells aren’t able to take their place, making it a fairly permanent solution. The downside is that you’re literally freezing your buns off and patients often report intense discomfort as well as next-day bruising.
Skin tightening treatments– As we age, our bodies lose skin laxity, producing a droopy look. This most commonly manifests in a jowl-like neck, above-the-knees sagging, and loose upper arms. But thanks to breakthroughs in radio frequency and ultrasound technologies, which build collagen by engaging the skin’s deeper layers, patients are watching the clock roll back. Skin tightening procedures have the ability to rejuvenate the skin, and make it look younger, smoother and healthier. At Avane clinic, we have a range of skin tightening procedures, such as Botox, micro-needling, ultrasound therapy, non-surgical facelifts and more. These procedures elude a significant improvement not only in body contouring but also in skin tightening. They can also bring about a slight reduction in weight. Moreover, they are also efficient for people with stretch marks or skin laxity due to pregnancy.
Lipolysis– This is a medical procedure aimed at eliminating local ft deposits from the body. Lipolysis is used to break down fat deposits, transforming them into glycerol and fatty acids. These are then easily eliminated from the body, through its natural waste-eliminating mechanisms. It is used to treat double chins, among other fat removal-related problems. Additionally, it can also be used for body contouring. There are several types of lipolysis, each with its own procedure but with a common goal. Injection lipolysis involves putting deoxycholic acid into the body to target fat cells. Another form of lipolysis is laser lipolysis. This involves the use of a laser to destroy fat cells in the body. Thirdly, we have radiofrequency lipolysis which uses ultrasound waves and heat to target fat cells.
On the other hand, surgical body contouring procedures include:
Lifts and tucks– These are surgical procedures used to eliminate excess fat and extra skin from the body. They are usually done under anaesthesia or sedation. They may include tummy tucks(abdominoplasty) or facelifts(rhytidectomy). Furthermore, breast lifts(mastopexy) and double chin surgery are also other forms of surgical body contouring. Lifts and tucks procedures require precision and hence, professionalism is of key importance. We recommend that you seek qualified medical practitioners to perform such procedures. This will help avoid failure of procedures and adverse side effects.
Liposuction– Liposuction is a surgical procedure that uses a suction technique to remove fat from specific areas of the body. These include the abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, arms or neck. Liposuction also shapes (contours) these areas. Liposuction is also called lipoplasty. It is used to reduce the number of fat cells in an area. The amount of fat removed depends on the appearance of the area and the volume of fat. The resulting contour changes are generally permanent — as long as your weight remains stable. After liposuction, the skin moulds itself to the new contours of the treated areas. If you have good skin tone and elasticity, the skin is likely to appear smooth
Advantages of body contouring.
One of the best benefits of body contouring is that it helps bring out a more defined and well-shaped body. It also makes you look thinner in appearance. Body contouring procedures such as micro-needling and Botox induce collagen formation, which helps give you smoother and younger skin. Moreover, they also help improve skin tightening and eliminate saggy skin. Body contouring also brings about symptomatic improvement. Surgical procedures have noticeable and immediate results. They are also permanent and long-lasting. On the other hand, non-surgical procedures may take a few days to notice the results, but they are also effective. Additionally, they are safer and involve less risk of complications or side effects.

Risks involved.
Surgical body contouring may involve certain risks and side effects. They may cause bleeding and the formation of blood clots, as well as damage to blood vessels. They may also cause nerve damage as well as organ and muscle damage. Surgical body contouring may also bring about asymmetry, where you find both sides of a part do not look the same. Hematoma may also occur as a result of surgery. This is where pockets of blood form under the skin, forming swellings and requiring the blood to be drained. Cuts and incisions made during surgery may not heal well, and at times, lead to infections in the treated part. They can also slow down the healing process. Moreover, the incisions can also cause scarring, rippling or discolouration of the skin, as well as skin irregularities.
Non-surgical procedures have fewer and minimal side effects. They can cause hives or rashes, pain and soreness, and swellings. Furthermore, they can also cause redness on the skin. In some cases, the result may not be the expected. This will require repeat sessions to correct the problems and bring out the expected results. At Avane clinic, we are ready to offer help to any of our clients should they face any adversity or side effects. Our doctors work extra hard and smart during these procedures, to ensure that you do not have any side effects. In the event that they happen, please contact your doctor for aid.
Takeaway note.
Having the perfect body is nowadays not just a dream. At Avane clinic we help you transform this dream into reality. Through our body contouring procedures, we help you reshape and model your body to your own liking and will. Our doctors are all qualified and certified specialists, who have years of experience in medical practice. Furthermore, our treatments are safe and FDA-approved for use in body contouring treatments. The power to decide how you want to look resides with you, and at Avane clinic, we have the ability to make this your reality. Visit us today at the Yaya centre, in Nairobi today for consultation and treatments. You can also contact us to make enquiries bout body contouring or other services today.