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Myths about Skin you probably believe!

“I need to Tan in the sun to get Vitamin D” There are safer ways to get vitamin D than lying in the sun, as it can be obtained from a variety of foods. One of the biggest myths about skin is that sun exposure is the best way to boost vitamin D levels. In...

7 Skin Care Tips Dermatologists Do Themselves

Pros’ personal skin care tips to make everyday a good skin day 1. Use Sunscreen One of the best skin care tip for maintaining youthful skin is to apply enough protective sunscreen layers to ensure full coverage and protection. 2. Eat a Skin-Saving Breakfast The...

Skin Care Tips: Hyperpigmentation Causes and Treatment

Understanding hyperpigmentation causes and treatment is essential to managing and preventing further skin discoloration for a clearer, even-toned complexion. I have encountered people who initially shrug off tiny facial discoloration as mere freckles, but as it...

Dy-mystifying keloids and their treatment

Keloids treatment is essential for managing thick, lumpy scars that grow beyond the original wound site. Unlike other types of scars, keloids often develop around two months after an injury. If you’re experiencing keloids, seeking professional keloids treatment...