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Myths about Skin you probably believe!

I need to Tan in the sun to get Vitamin D “There are safer ways to get vitamin D than lying in the sun actual fro a variet of foods. Ultraviolet light is a carcinogen, just  like cigarette smoke. Think of it this way: If someone said you could get vitamin D or...

7 Skin Care Tips Dermatologists Do Themselves

Pros’ personal advice to make everyday a good skin day 1. Use Sunscreen Pour on the enough protective sunscreen layers, (one of the best proven ways to keep skin youthful”) just to make sure you are covered.” 2. Eat a Skin-Saving Breakfast The first...

Skin Care Tips: Hyperpigmentation Causes and Treatment

I have encountered people who just shrug off tiny face discoloration as freckles, but after it gets a bit worse, you can tell that it is more than that. Human skin contains melanocyte cells that produce melanin, a pigment found in the skin, hair and eyes, through a...

Dy-mystifying keloids and their treatment

Keloids (keloidal scars) are thick, lumpy, and grow beyond the borders of the original wound site. Contrary to other scars keloids commonly appear approximately two months after injury. They may continue to grow and thus cover relatively large areas of skin. They can...