When we look into the mirror, we crave the sight of a happy, healthy and good-looking image of ourselves, looking back at us. We all would love to have bright, smooth and defect-free skins. Every one of us would like to have a seemingly perfect look and appearance that catches everyone’s attention. As much as we would love this, however, we are far from perfection. Our skin is susceptible to many defects. Some of these happen naturally while others happen as a result of poor health or other external factors. One of the most common skin defects affecting us today is acne. The good news however is that at Avané clinic, we offer affordable and quality acne treatment programs for all.
What is acne?
Acne is a skin condition that causes the emergence of pimples on the skin. This happens when the skin’s pores become blocked by hair, bacteria, oil, debris and dirt. Blocking of pores by these materials makes the skin form pimples. These pimples are also called zits or blemishes. Rampant development of the pimples is what causes the skin condition called acne. Acne is a common condition, with research showing that about 9.4% of the world’s population has acne. Further research has revealed that 80% of all people aged between 11-30 years old have had acne at some point in life.
As common as acne is, it has not received a pleasant or welcome reception from people. It is viewed as a hindrance to beauty, and thus, has been acclaimed to have a bad taint. Acne is not deadly. There is no known medical effect of acne on patients. The condition may however lower their self-esteem or confidence. They are also incommunicable, meaning they are not passed from one person to another directly via contact. The best news is that acne is treatable and effectively so. Avané clinic in Nairobi is one such place that offers acne treatment at affordable costs with a guarantee of quality
Acne mostly affects teenagers and young adults undergoing hormonal changes. This is because the major cause of acne is hormonal changes in the body. Acne can however affect anyone, irrespective of age. It can affect children and also older adults as well. Acne is mostly seen on the face, especially the forehead and cheeks. It can also occur on the chest, shoulders and upper back. The acne may appear in form of red, white or black pimples. They may at times be painful, but this is rare.

Types of acne.
There are various types of acne which are:
Blackheads- These are open bumps on the skin, that fill with excess oils or dead skin. They appear as if dirt has been deposited on the bump. On the contrary, the dark spots are caused by an irregular light reflection of the clogged follicle.
Whiteheads– these are bumps that remain closed by oil and dead skin.
Papules– They are small red or pink bumps that are caused by inflammation or infection of the hair follicle.
Pustules– They are small red pimples that have pus at their tip.
Nodules-These are solid, painful lumps that develop beneath the surface of the skin.
Cysts– They are large lumps beneath your skin. They contain pus and are usually painful.
Fungal acne– They are acne that occurs due to excess yeast developing on the follicle. They can be itchy and inflamed.
Causes of acne.
Acne is largely a hormonal condition. It is driven by androgen hormones, which become active and peak during teenage and young adulthood years. These hormones create sensitivity in the body. When combined with bacteria on the skin, fatty acids and sebum, these hormones lead to acne. There are trigger factors that worsen acne and make them appear aggressive. These are hormone level fluctuations during women’s periods, air pollution, and high humidity. Furthermore, oily and greasy skin care products such as creams, stress and some medication also trigger aggravation. Moreover, pregnancy in women is also a trigger since expectant women experience variations in hormones level. The genetic make of a person could also be a trigger. If a member of the family has acne, another family member may also have it. Certain foods such as skimmed milk, whey proteins and sugary foods may also flare acne.
Treatment of acne can involve various methods. At Avané clinic, we recommend that our patients consult with our dermatologist Dr Pancholi, or other specialists at the clinic. The doctor will ask about the medical history of the patient and perform a physical examination of the skin. The medic examines the types of sores and spots and their extents. The extent and severity of acne are often categorised as mild, moderate and severe. How severe the acne is, determines the type of treatment the doctor will recommend. This can involve several methods, such as:
Topical medications- The doctors will recommend this in instances of mild acne. Medications can be bought over the counter, but can also be found at our clinic’s pharmacy. Benzoyl peroxide is the most commonly prescribed medication. It’s a gel that is applied to the skin. It targets surface bacteria which aggravate the acne flare. It also lowers skin dryness and irritation to skin. Other medications recommended are salicylic acid, azelaic acid, dapsone and antibiotics. The doctor may also recommend retinoids, which are vitamin A medications. Retinoids help break blackheads and whiteheads, while also unclogging the pores. These medications are not target-spot medications. This means that they have to be used on the entire affected skin area, not just on the acne spots. This helps to prevent the formation of new pimples while also controlling the flare of the current acne.
Contraceptives- Contraceptives are recommended to help regulate hormonal imbalances in the body. They are mostly prescribed for women. Contraceptives can help stop or control breakouts associated with menstrual cycles.
Laser treatment– The advent of technology has seen a revamp of acne treatment. We use laser treatment as our main form of acne treatment. A beam of laser delivers heat to collagen tissues under the skin. Applying heat is meant to trigger the body’s healing mechanism. The heat makes the body perceive the collagen as wounded. In response to counter the apparent wounding, the body produces new healthy collagen. Avané clinic uses both ablative and non-ablative laser techniques. We have various laser equipment such as the PiQo4 laser and CO2 machines for use in laser treatment. Dr Pancholi will help you determine the best laser treatment, based on your skin type and the nature of acne.

Chemical peels- Chemical peel treatment involves the use of special chemicals to remove the top layer of old skin. They are mainly used with mild acne scarring. The chemical is made up of a mixture of various solutions, which are prepared by the doctors at the clinic. These procedures are done with strict observance of hygiene and other safety precautions. The chemicals help to safely extract the skin without harming other parts. When the top skin layer is removed, newer, smoother and healthier skin grows.
Acne prevention.
Prevention of acne is difficult and almost unguaranteeable. However, some measures could help with preventing acne. Washing your face daily with warm water and mild facial cleanser which helps open up pores. The use of moisturizers also helps in the prevention of acne. Furthermore, ladies are advised to use non-comedogenic make-up products. They are also advised to clean out their make-up at the end of the day. Keeping your hands from your face as much as possible also may help prevent acne breakout. In cases where one has acne, one is advised not to tamper with the acne but to let them be. Avoid scratching or breaking them.
Side effects of acne treatment.
Acne treatment is a sensitive matter and may involve side effects depending on the type of treatment involved. Benzol peroxide causes irritation and dryness on the skin. These are however temporary effects and are easily managed. Oral medications can cause stomach upset, dizziness and light-headedness. They may also affect the effectiveness of birth control pills which may lower your protection against pregnancy. The use of contraceptives also has other effects such as an increased risk of blood clots and high blood pressure. Chemical peels may also cause scarring, infections, redness and swelling of the skin. If not well handled, chemical peels can cause heart failure, and kidney and liver damage.
Acne treatment for women.
Acne treatment can be done on anyone of any skin type and age, except for pregnant women. This is because the topical and other treatments used are contraindicated during pregnancy. One of these is isotretinoin. This drug causes severe birth defects. The safety of its use is a threat to the health of both the mother and her unborn child. Hormone therapy is helpful for some women with acne, especially for those who flare up with menstruation. It is also helpful to women with signs and symptoms of excess androgen. Hormone therapy consists of low-dose estrogen and progesterone (birth control pills) or a medication called spironolactone. This medication blocks the effect of male hormones at the level of the hair follicles and oil glands.
Take Away notes. While acne is not a health hazard, it may cause one to lose confidence and lower their self-esteem. It may also make one feel less beautiful about themselves. Acne may also affect one’s social interactions and relationships. We at Avané clinic, believe that you don’t have to go through any of these. We offer you a solution for this, through our various acne treatments. Our medical specialist work round the clock to offer you quality and effective treatment. We are located at the Yaya Centre in Nairobi Kenya. Visit us here today and experience our amazing services. You could also contact us to book an appointment with our doctors. Avané clinic has the solution for your acne problems.